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Then Kennebec Lou and the Clipper get sore at the way you treat Suds. So here you are back on the road with your gang all gone bust. Hard luck, Lefty." But Lefty whined with rage at this careless diagnosis of his downfall. "You're all wrong," he said. "You're all wrong. You don't know nothin'." The brakie waited, grinning securely into the night, and preparing his mind for the story.

"He might have kept quiet just to get money from Lefty for doing the work on intercepting the data. You know we had the clues, but it never occurred to us there might be a connection between Wallops Island and the stingarees, because who could imagine going to all that trouble to intercept open, unclassified data you can get by asking for it?" Rick had to laugh.

The chauffeur of the moving car swung back beside the curb and opened the door. But even as he started to enter he saw Little Mick and Lefty Ed turn into the street behind him. However, the brightness of this street ill-accorded with the anonymity with which their art is most safely and profitably practiced, so Larry got in without a bullet flicking at him.

"No; he'd be a cannibal," put in the Righthandiron, desirous of stopping the quarrel between the rivals. "How do you make that out?" demanded the Bellows. "Because Tom is a brick himself," explained the Righthandiron; and just then slap! bang! the party plunged head first into what appeared to be and in fact really was a huge snowbank. "Hurrah! Here we are!" cried Lefty, gleefully.

He shot his right hand up behind the left shoulder of the other and imprisoned the wrist. Not only did it make the knife hand helpless, but by bearing down with his own weight Donnegan could put his enemy in most exquisite torture. For an instant they whirled; then they went down, and Lefty was on top. Only for a moment.

It was more important to know if you could make yourself useful at a round-up. "'Nother bunch o' them green Eastern horses," grumbled the ranch boss as the lot was turned into a corral. "But that black fellow'd make a rustler's mouth water, eh, Lefty?" In answer to which the said Lefty, being a man little given to speech, grunted. "We'll brand 'em in the mornin'," added the ranch boss.

"He was a man," replied Lefty Joe with an indescribable emphasis. "Huh?" "He ain't a man any more." "Get bumped off?" "No. Busted." The brakie considered this bit of news and rolled it back and forth and tried its flavor against his gossiping palate. "Did you fix him after he left you?" "No." "I see. You busted him while he was still with you.

Rick saw the spear leave his pal's gun, and he whirled his head in time to see the bodyguard looking down with horror at the shaft protruding from his side. The boy didn't see the piling. His last quick impression was of the bodyguard falling forward, then there was a stunning impact as the side of his head met creosoted wood and darkness flooded in. Lucky Lefty Rick awoke to fiery agony.

"'Pears like a feller can't amble around much nowadays without havin' to fight," grumbled Lefty Allen, who usually went out of his way hunting up trouble. "We're goin' to th' Hills as soon as our cookie turns up," volunteered Tenspot Davis, looking inquiringly at Frenchy. "Heard any more news?" "Nope. Same old story lots of gold.

"I don't want to interrupt," said Tom, "but it seems to me that man must have been awful rich." "No, he wasn't," returned Lefty. "He was going to eat the dinner, you know, and then die without paying for it. He wasn't a very good man." "No," remarked the story-teller. "But he was a very hungry man, in which respect he was just like the Giant I am trying to tell you about.