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Updated: January 16, 2025
'Directly, directly, Ivan Demianitch responded nervously. 'Eleonora Karpovna! Leonora! Lenchen! come here! There was a sound of something ponderous moving the other side of the door, and at the same instant I heard Viktor's imperious call: 'Why on earth don't they put the horses in? You don't catch me trudging off to the police on foot! 'Directly, directly, Ivan Demianitch faltered again.
Who, do you say? I heard the heavy shuffling of slippers, the folding-door was slightly opened, and in the crack between its two halves was thrust the face of Ivan Demianitch, an unkempt and grim-looking face. It stared at me and its expression did not immediately change.... Evidently, Mr.
At his christening named Johann Dietrich, but always called Ivan Demianitch! What's in my mind pops out on my tongue; I wear my heart, as they say, on my sleeve. Ceremony of all sorts I know naught about and don't want to neither! Can't bear it! You drop in on me one day of an evening, and you'll see for yourself.
'There, the way she loves Russia, it's simply awful! broke in Ivan Demianitch. 'A perfect volcano, ho, ho! 'Well, and what of it? pursued Eleonora Karpovna. 'To be sure I love Russia, for where else could I obtain noble rank? And my children too are nobly born, you know. Kolia, sitze ruhig mit den Fussen! Ratsch waved his hand to her. 'There, there, princess, don't excite yourself!
Yes, sir, I'm a Czech, and my native place is ancient Prague! By the way, Alexander Daviditch, why haven't we seen you for so long! We ought to have a little duet... ha-ha! Really! 'I was at your place the day before yesterday, Ivan Demianitch, replied Fustov. 'But I call that a long while, ha-ha! When Mr. Ratsch laughed, his white eyes shifted from side to side in a strange, restless way.
Ratsch, turning a severe glance in the direction of the lover of music, 'plunged all her family into the most irreplaceable grief! Yes! cried Ivan Demianitch, 'well may the Russian proverb say, "Fate spares not the rod."... 'Stop! Gentlemen! shouted a hoarse voice at the end of the table, 'my purse has just been stolen!...
I bowed in silence, and thought at once: 'Why, the name too is not the same sort as the others, while Susanna rose slightly, without smiling or loosening her tightly clasped hands. 'And how about the duet? Ivan Demianitch pursued: 'Alexander Daviditch? eh? benefactor! Your zither was left with us, and I've got the bassoon out of its case already.
Ratsch's proposal was received with genuine sympathy; 'the reverend clergy' exchanged expressive glances with one another, while the officer of roads and highways slapped Ivan Demianitch on the shoulder, and called him a patriot and the soul of the company. We set off all together to the restaurant.
'No, I haven't got it yet, answered Susanna, and turning round with her face to the window she whispered hurriedly. 'Please, Alexander Daviditch, I entreat you, don't make me play to-day. I don't feel in the mood a bit. 'What's that? Robert le Diable of Meyer-beer? bellowed Ivan Demianitch, coming up to us: 'I don't mind betting it's a first-class article!
'You belong to two different musical generations, I began, with an effort at lightness, wishing by this lightness to suggest that I noticed nothing, 'and so it is not surprising that you do not agree in your opinions.... But, Ivan Demianitch, you must allow me to take rather... the side of the younger generation.
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