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None dressed with better taste, nor carried himself with such an air. There was even a deferential tone in his strong language, a hesitating quaintness, which made it irresistible. He was at the service of any person on board needing championship. His talents were varied.

Now don't be vexed, darling; you are a thoroughly good girl, only thoughtless and careless; and remember, dear, church is not a place for high spirits." The rector, as behooved him, kissed his child behind the vestry door, to soothe all sting, and then he strode forth toward the reading-desk; and the tuning of fiddles sank to deferential scrape.

The boy was a product which it is the despair of all Europe to produce, and our travelers had great delight in him as an epitome of American "smartness." He led all the conversation, had confident opinions about everything, easily put down his deferential papa, and pleased the other passengers by his self-sufficient, know-it-all air.

I left him writing to you." The young man's voice was singularly gentle, even deferential. "You read it, I presume?" Newbury made a sign of assent. "Is there any hope for us, Mr. Edward?" Betts turned to look into his companion's face. A slight tremor in the normally firm lips betrayed the agitation behind the question. Newbury's troubled eyes answered him.

But as I started I saw a gentleman pass the guard, who stood at the salute. It was the King; escape was impossible. He walked straight up to me, bowing carelessly in response to M. de Perrencourt's deferential inclination of his person. "How come you here, Mr Dale?" he asked abruptly. "The guard tells me that he informed you of my orders and that you insisted on passing."

"And what can I do for you, young lady?" he asked in his best professional manner. "Grandfather," the girl broke out, blushing red to the ears, but saying it out none the less; "Grandfather, I'm your granddaughter, Dolores Barton." The old man bowed once more, a most deferential bow. Strange to say, when he saw her, this claim of blood pleased him. "So I see, my child," he answered.

It has been "done up" without mercy; its natural place would be at Rochelle the New. It has statues set into it, and is raised upon a very low and very deep arcade. The principal function of the deferential old portress who conducts you over the place is to call your attention to the indented table of Jean Guiton; but she shows you other objects of interest besides.

He was only just beginning to realize the comparative unimportance of a retired shipmaster, and the knowledge was a source of considerable annoyance to him. No deferential mates listened respectfully to his instructions, no sturdy seaman ran to execute his commands or trembled mutinously at his wrath.

"By-the-bye, there is an article to-day on you: have you seen it? No? But you should see it; it is very smart. "Yes, but meantime, I want you to advise him not to subject himself to more gunpowder and things, but to leave the town; that is all the wretches demand." "And that," said Henry, with a sly, deferential tone, "is a good deal to demand in a free country, is it not, sir?" "Indeed it is.

At the window of the paying teller she explained that she wished to see the person connected with the bank who had charge of the safety-deposit boxes and who looked after the accounts pertaining to the estate of Alexander Strong. The teller recognized the name. He immediately became deferential. "I'll take you to the office of the president," he said. "He and Doctor Strong were very warm friends.