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No one stirred about the place; the fowls still fluttered in the dust, and a dissipated looking pet cockatoo, perched on the wood-heap repeated several times in a drowsy tone, "Good-bye, Cockie! Good-bye, Cockie!" Then the door opened, and Red Mick stepped out.

To Trent, who had known him for years as a broken-down hanger-on of the settlement at Buckomari, a drunkard, gambler, a creature to all appearance hopelessly gone under, this look and this almost passionate appeal were like a revelation. He stretched out his great hand and patted his companion on the back a proceeding which obviously caused him much discomfort. "Bravo, old cockie!" he said.

"As near as I can remember he showed me the letter, and said, 'Is that all right? I looked at it, and read, 'To be given to Mrs. Avory' on it, so I said, 'Yes, Then he said, 'I've got a caravan for your lot, cockie, and backed it into the yard." "How splendid!" said Robert. "Then it was you who did it, Kinky?" "Did what, Master Robert?" "Got us the Slowcoach; because the address wasn't Mrs.

"He won't run," said Mr Berners, "John Day told me he had refused to ride him." "I believe Cockie Graves might win something if Phosphorus came in first," said Lord Milford, laughing. "How close it is to-night!" said Egremont. "Waiter, give me some Seltzer water; and open another window; open them all."

"By Jove!" said Lord Milford, "Only think of Cockie Graves having gone and done it!" Egremont was the younger brother of an English earl, whose nobility being of nearly three centuries' date, ranked him among our high and ancient peers, although its origin was more memorable than illustrious.

Against a flight of desolate steps leant a notice. I stopped to read it. It said: "You must see Cockie, Positively the only bird that can both dance and sing. She is almost superhuman." There was no explanation; Cockie may have been dead for years. I went, musing on her possible fates, towards the pride and spaciousness of Fifth Avenue. Fifth Avenue is handsome, the handsomest street imaginable.

Whilst the Pelican was making this explanation, the Judge, who had been longing to have his poll scratched again, sidled up to Dot, and whispered softly to her, "Scratch Cockie!" But, just as he was enjoying the delicious sensation Dot's fingers produced amongst his neck feathers, as he held his head down, the Pelican caught sight of the proceeding.

"Come along, Miss Grant." And they marched off towards the horses. "It beats all who could have took them posts down, doesn't it?" said Mick. "I'd offer a reward, if I was you. Them fellows about here would steal the eyes out of your head. Good day to ye, Mr. Hugh." And the cockatoo added, "Good-bye, Cockie," in a sepulchral voice, as they trudged off, smitten hip and thigh.

By this time they had descended a long narrow flight of uncarpeted stairs, 'the back ones, as Mysie explained, and had reached a slippery oak hall with high-backed chairs, and all the odds and ends of a family-garden hats, waterproofs, galoshes, bats, rackets, umbrellas, etc., ranged round, and a great white cockatoo upon a stand, who observed 'Mysie, Cockie wants his breakfast, as they went by towards the door, whence proceeded a hubbub of voices and a clatter of knives and jingle of teaspoons and cups, a room that as Mysie threw open the door seemed a blaze of sunshine, pouring in at the large window, and reflected in the glass and silver.

'No, the Sofy, said Mysie. 'A Sofy is a Persian philosopher, and this kitten has got the wisest face. 'Run and fetch them, suggested her aunt, 'and then we can choose. Oh, she added, with some relief at the thought, 'if it is an object to dispose of Cockie, we could manage him.