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I reckon thar ain't no stage robbers with acroplanes yet a while." "Queer thing about that Laredo robbery," put in Cash thoughtfully, "thar was several inter it, an' it seems thet they've all got clar away." "Good thing for them, eh?" said the stranger, jingling his spur ornaments harder than ever. Cash sniffed. "Good thing.

I kinder allers wakes myself den, an' turns ober, an' what comes arter dat is apt to run clar." "Well, well, well!" said Miss Prissy, "I don't know what to think. You see, it may have reference to the state of his soul."

They entered the store, paused at the entrance to the Colonel's private office, and surveyed it with dismay. "Clar t' goodness, Miss Jinny, yo' pa ain't heah! An' whah's Ephum, dat black good-fo'-nuthin'!" Miracle number one, Mr. Hopper stopped work and stared. The vision was searching the store with her eyes, and pouting.

"Are you one of the Kendrick negroes?" "No, sir; I don't b'long dar." "Who are you?" "I 'clar' ter goodness, I skeer'd ter tell you, Mars. George; kaze you mought fly up en git mad." The young man laughed with such genuine heartiness that it did the negro good to hear it.

Many wild, foolish persons propose wild things to the king, which he civilly discountenances, and then they and their friends brag what they hear, or could do; and, no doubt, in some such noble rage that hath now fallen out which they talk so much of at London, and by which many honest men are in prison, of which whole matter the king knows no more than secretary Nicholas doth." Clar.

Neow, I clar ter glory I kaint imagine WAR dey all gone ter, dough we bin eout only six seven monf' 'n got over tousan bar'l below. But I bin two year on er voy'ge and doan hardly SEE a sparm while, much less catch one. But" and here he whispered mysteriously "dish yer ole man's de bery debbil's own chile, 'n his farder lookin' after him well dat's my 'pinion.

"You can't go agin de Scripters. Truf is mighty, an' 'tain't fur pore human critters like us to try to upsot her. Wot we're got ter do is ter stick to her through thick an' thin." "Ob course, dat's wot we oughter do," said 'Bijah, "but I can't see my way clar to you sellin' dem apples."

Thar, Andy, you may have dat ar bone, tan't picked quite clean." Sam's audience hanging on his words with open mouth, he could not but proceed. "Dis yer matter 'bout persistence, feller-niggers," said Sam, with the air of one entering into an abstruse subject, "dis yer 'sistency 's a thing what an't seed into very clar, by most anybody. But let's look inter it.

Our first impulse was to rush down the ravine, satisfy our thirst at the spring, and our hunger on the half-polished bones that were strewed over the prairie. Prudence, however, restrained us. "Wait till they're clar gone," said Garey. "They'll be out o' sight in three skips o' a goat." "Yes! stay where we are a bit," added another; "some of them may ride back; something may be forgotten."

Gilles came round the walls for a second time, nosing here and there, stopping, shaking his head, limping on. Then she heard the King's voice singing, high and sharp and spiring; his glorious voice, keener than any man's, as pure as any boy's, singing with astounding gaiety, 'Al entrada del tems clar, eya! Gilles stopped as one struck, and gaped up at the tower.