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Selon moi, ceux de nos gens d'armes qui voudroient être

Whether he can ever fill the place he once held in his wife's heart is a question which only time can decide: 'Le dénigrement de ceux que nous aimons, says the author of 'Madame Bovary, 'toujours nous en détache quelque peu.

Ils ont beaucoup de crennequiniers. C'est ainsi qu'en Autriche et en Bohème on nomme ceux qu'en Hongrie on appelle archers. Leurs arcs sont semblables

December 17th, 1775. Arneth, ii, p. 410. Mercy to Maria Teresa, November 15th, 1776, Arneth, ii., p. 524. "Le petit nombre de ceux que la Reine appelle 'sa société'" Mercy to Marie Teresa, February 15th, 1777, Arneth, iii., p. 18.

In the Catholic catechism it is said: "Quels sont ceux qui sont hors de l'eglise? In the so-called Orthodox catechism it is said: By the one Christian Church is understood the Orthodox, which remains fully in accord with the Universal Church. According to this definition the Catholics and Lutherans are outside the Church, and there are only Orthodox in the Church.

But to come at last to Solomon's ideal what is our first impression of her? Surely it is strength, and we probably feel her strong-minded, and rather a "managing woman" and, as a rule, these are not loved. I feel that she wants some sorrow to humanize her she would hardly be sorry for less prosperous, less sensible people: the modern feeling of, "the pity of it, Iago, the pity of it!" has never gone home to her; she is not like Ruskin's "gentleman" who has tears always in his eyes, in spite of the smile on his lips; she is not "quick to perceive the want" in the many lives, which are empty or crippled, though, perhaps, seemingly prosperous: things turn out well with her, and she deserves it, so the sight of her would bring home a sense of undeservingness to the less fortunate; she cannot speak so as to be "understanded of" them; she is not one of those who have learnt that "avoir beaucoup souffert c'est comme ceux qui savent beaucoup de langues, avoir appris

One thing is horrid, though, and that is, that every girl has to make a remark in French every day at dinner. The remarks are about a subject. Mrs. Nipson gives out the subjects. To-day the subject was 'Les oiseaux, and Rose Red said, 'J'aime beaucoup les oiseaux, et surtout ceux qui sont rotis, which made us all laugh.

Il a des manieres franches et avenantes; il se fait aimer de tous ceux qui l'approchent, et surtout des enfants. Il a la parole facile, et possde a un haut degre l'eloquence du bon sens et du coeur. Il n'est point auteur.

"Nothing else?" sneered the unlucky William. Susan gave him such a look. "And that interests me more than anything you can say to me if you won't be offended," snapped Susan. William bit his lip. "Well, then, I won't come this evening, eh! Susan?" "No, don't, that is a good soul." "Les femmes sont impitoyables pour ceux qu'elles n'aiment pas."

Vous etes du bien petit nombre de ceux avec qui il m'est possible de causer en ce moment, et vous me ferez du bien si vous venez dejeuner ici dimanche prochain, 25, a midi 1/2. Mille amities, From Lord Granville Walmer Castle, October 2nd. My dear Reeve, I was very sorry to miss an opportunity of seeing you twice last week. Our hours are late, while you adopt the judicious maxim of Charles Lamb.