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"But you must let me hold it." "Bien." As he took the umbrella he caught her eye. He stopped still in his tracks. "But you're the girl at the Rat qui Danse." "And you were at the next table with the man who sang?" "How amusing!" "Et celui-la! O il etait rigolo...." She burst out laughing; her head, encased in a little round black hat, bobbed up and down under the umbrella. Andrews laughed too.

You can't think how anxious we were to know the qualities of the same. "Tiens, ce gros qui mange une cuisse de volaille!" "Il a du jambon, celui-la." "I should like some, too," growls an Englishman, "for I hadn't a morsel of breakfast," and so on. This is the way, my dear, that we see Napoleon buried.

"He tell me, this night, Mademoiselle goes on an errand for the good Lord. May the Lord keep safe His messenger!" "Mr Hebblethwaite goes with me," said I. "He will take all the care of me he can." "I will trust him for that!" said Lucette, with a little nod. "He is good man, celui-la. But, Mademoiselle, `except the Lord keep the city you know."

"Ach!" said Herr Paul, "garcon tres chic, celui-la!" Christian was standing by her little table. The stranger began. "I am sending Mr. Harz's things to England; there are some pictures here. He would be glad to have them." A flood of crimson swept over her face. "I am sending them to London," the stranger repeated; "perhaps you could give them to me to-day."

"Big brunettes with long stelets On the shores of Italee, Dutch girls with golden curls Beside the Zuyder Zee..." Everybody cheered again; Andrews kept looking at the girl at the next table, whose face was red from laughter. She had a handkerchief pressed to her mouth, and kept saying in a low voice: "O qu'il est drole, celui-la.... O qu'il est drole."

"You know all, then?" said Pen. "Only within a month. But I have suspected ever since Baymouth n'importe since when. It is not too late. He is as if he had never been; and there is a position in the world before you yet. Why not sit in Parliament, exert your talent, and give a place in the world to yourself, to your wife? I take celui-la. Il est bon. Il est riche.

But I must give all myself my days and nights my thoughts, and brain, and nerves. Other people might have adventures and paint the better. Not I, I was too highly strung for me it was ruin. "C'est un maitre sevire l'Art," he said, looking like a god. " Avec celui-la on ne transige pas. Ah! Dieu, je le connais, moi!"

"You know all then?" said Pen. "Only within a month. But I have suspected ever since Baymouth n'importe since when. It is not too late. He is as if he had never been; and there is a position in the world before you yet. Why not sit in Parliament, exert your talent, and give a place in the world to yourself, to your wife? I take celui-la. Il est bon. 1l est riche.

Aussi suis-je heureux qu'il ait eu l'approbation d'un aussi bon juge que vous. 21 septembre. Depuis gue je vous al ecrit, j'ai lu le grand manifeste de M. Gladstone. De celui-la, on ne peut pas dire qu'il brille par la moderation. Il y a des phrases redoutables et effrayantes a l'adresse de la richesse et de la propriete, base de la societe.

He had fine black eyes in a bronzed face, a silky black beard, and long hair a la lion, that is to say, thrown to one side of the head in a loose mane-like mass. 'I have just come from the Salon. Not bad Regnault? Hein? 'Non il arrivera, celui-la, said the other calmly.