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Shakespeare's adage: "Who can minister to a mind diseased?" can now be answered by saying: "To a certain extent, the specialist in normal and abnormal psychology." If you shut your eyes, and turn your attention inward, in an attempt to find your real "self," you will probably find a good deal of difficulty in catching it.

All this time Miss Susan Posey was catching the little books by the small of their backs, pulling them out, opening them, and clapping them together, 'p-'p-'p! 'p-'p-'p! and carefully caressing all their edges with a regular professional dusting-cloth, so persuasively that they yielded up every particle that a year had drifted upon them, and came forth refreshed and rejuvenated.

"But I'm a trained nurse, too, and I can take care of myself. It's only my left arm that's hurt, and a scratch at that. I don't need any help from any one." "Was that man we saw the doctor who put you in your sling?" asked "Jule," in the blunt way brothers have of catching up their sisters. "Yes, he was," she grudged. "Why did he run away? Didn't he want to be thanked?" "He did not. Besides "

Catching sight of the lieutenant, he presented his pistol. "Stay, monsieur," he exclaimed, "if you venture out of your cabin, I shall be under the disagreeable necessity of shooting you." The Frenchman hesitated, for, the light glancing on the pistol-barrel, he recognised his own weapon, which he knew never missed fire, and showed him also that he was totally unarmed. Gerald saw his advantage.

The best we can do about it most of us is to recognize the fact that in spite of the thought of the people it mixes us up with, the best of us probably are going to be fooled about ourselves, and that the only practical working difference between us in the end is that some of us have caught ourselves in the act more often than others, have wrought out a livelier, more desperate self-consciousness, and have made rather elaborate and regular arrangements, perhaps, when something in us starts us up into being Lodges, for catching up to ourselves and for swearing off from ourselves in time.

"Anne, you must tell me," she said, catching her breath. "Not a nightmare, a real kiss, and neither of us wanting to kiss anybody, and still doing it and not being sorry. Being glad." She sounded so like herself in one of her fiercenesses that Anne at last believed she was wholly awake and felt a terror of her own. "Who was it, Lydia?" she asked sternly. "Who is it you are thinking about?"

The mother had great hopes that fine clothes and a jaunty air might marry her daughters to some gentlemen of tolerable fortunes, and that one of them, at least, might have a chance of catching a fellow commoner with a thousand or two per annum, for which reason Miss Molly, Miss Jenny, and Miss Alice were all bred to the dancing school, taught to sing prettily, and to touch the spinet with an agreeable air.

But Samuel was looking at them already intently. And just then the beautiful woman turned and, catching sight of the Tutts, smiled cordially if somewhat roguishly and raised her glass, as did her companion. Mechanically Tutt elevated his. The three drank to one another. "Do you know those people, Samuel?" inquired Mrs. Tutt somewhat stiffly. "Who are they?"

So in my search I made a special work of catching the gemiasmas and not caring for anything else. In this list you will see the Gemiasma verdans distinguished from its associate objects. I think I can in no other way more clearly show my right to have my honest opinion respected in relation to the subject in question. PLATE VIII. A, B, C, Large plants of Gemiasma verdans. A, Mature plant.

She only just had time to step into the train before the iron gates closed behind her. A little breathless with excitement and greatly pleased that she had succeeded in catching the train, she obeyed the order of the officious guard to "Step along don't block the gangway!"