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'Lope Alvarez Ponce de Leon, Regidor de Segovia... casó dos veces: la primera con Doña Leonor Sánchez de Olivares, hija de Díez Sánchez de Olivares y hermana de aquel valiente caballero Don Pedro de Olivares, comendador del Olmo, del orden de Calatrava en tiempo del Maestro D. Rodrigo Téllez Girón. De este matrimonio tuvieron tres hijos.

Caso has an instance of menstruation from the gums, and there is on record the description of a woman, aged thirty-two, who had bleeding from the throat preceding menstruation; later the menstruation ceased to be regular, and four years previously, after an unfortunate and violent connection, the menses ceased, and the woman soon developed hemorrhoids and hemoptysis.

The Sicilian people's poetry, for example, preserves a memory of the famous Vespers; and one or two terrible stories of domestic tragedy, like the tale of Rosmunda in 'La Donna Lombarda, the romance of the Baronessa di Carini, and the so-called Caso di Sciacca, may still be heard upon the lips of the people.

DON EDUARDO. El caso es que cada cual tiene su amor propio ... y para ... la verdad ... no puede ser plato de gusto el entrar en tu familia como un pobretón. DOÑA MATILDE. ¿Qué importa eso? DON EDUARDO. A mucho ... y se me caería la cara de vergüenza. DOÑA MATILDE. Pero, hombre, ¿no ves que tu tío te tiene, por fuerza, que perdonar también pronto?

The smile of diffidence, but not the flush, passed from the young man's face, and he sat down forcibly. "You jest," he said. The reply was a majestic growl. "I never jest!" The speaker half sat down, then straightened up again. "Ah, the Marquis of Caso Calvo! I must bow to him, though an honest man's bow is more than he deserves." "More than he deserves?" was Frowenfeld's query.

Mds. que eran cosas llanas; pero si por caso hubiese otra cosa, digo que no me dañan porque no se me ha dado en ello el lugar de defensa que de derecho se me debe: lo uno porque no me han querido Vs. Mds. dar audiencia para informar enteramente al dicho maestro mi patron; lo otro porque si ha dado parecer sin haberse comunicado conmigo no he tenido patron;...

He defends himself thus in a letter to Lodovico Buonarroti: "Del caso dei Medici io non ò mai parlato contra di loro cosa nessuna, se non in quel modo che s' è parlato generalmente per ogn' uomo, come fu del caso di Prato; che se le pietre avessin saputo parlare, n' avrebbono parlato."

ANHYDRITE, a mineral, differing chemically from the more commonly occurring gypsum in containing no water of crystallization, being anhydrous calcium sulphate, CaSO . It crystallizes in the orthorhombic system, and has three directions of perfect cleavage parallel to the three planes of symmetry.

Y con el dicho maestro Leon, y ciertos frailes hierónimos y otras personas enemigas, se concertó lo que habian de hacer, y repartieron entre si como en caso de guerra las partes por donde habian de acometer cada uno y lo que habia de decir, como vuestras mercedes podrán ser informados de fulano de Alarcon, colegial de Sanct Millan en Salamanca, que fué uno de los llamados, y él dirá de otros; y fray Gaspar de Uceda fraile y lector en Sanct Francisco de Salamanca sabe tambien mucho desto. Luis de Leon repeats the accusation of conspiracy in Documentos inéditos, vol.

Calcium oxalate is nearly insoluble in water, and only very slightly soluble in acetic acid, but is readily dissolved by the strong mineral acids. The reactions involved are CaC O > CaCO + CO, CaCO + H SO > CaSO + H O + CO . Dilute the solution cautiously until the salts are brought into solution, adding a little acid if the solution has evaporated to very small volume.