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"You're wrong there," said I, "he's very rich." "At all events, it is ridiculous, this flirtation," exclaimed the plump Baronessa. "He is a mere child. Gaet

"I think it is," answered Nino, gravely. "But do not stroke my hair again, Signora Baronessa, or I shall be angry." He was quite serious, if you believe it, though he was only twenty. He forthwith sat down to the piano again and sang on. The baroness sat very silent and scarcely looked at him; but she held her hands clasped on her knee, and seemed to be thinking.

"I'm sorry, but I can sing only when I feel in the mood." "But you will come with Lord Lane, and stay at my villa, which I have taken at Aix yes, if only for a few days? The Baron and Baronessa will be with me, too. You are going that way. Lord Lane has told me. Will you come?" "Is he coming?" "Lord Lane, tell him that you are." "You are very good, Contessa " "There! You hear, it is settled."

Madama la Baronessa is at present occupying these pleasant apartments, and you only gain admission to them after an embassy to procure her permission. Madama la Baronessa receives you courteously, and you pass through her rooms, which are a little in disorder, the Baronessa being on the point of removal.

I 've only waited for this blessed day of liberty to cut adrift from the Baronessa. And the pleasure will be mutual, I promise you. She will enjoy a peace and a calm that she has n't known for ages. Ouf! I feel like Europe after the downfall of Napoleon." She gave her shoulders a little shake of satisfaction.

"The Baronessa," she said, and I 'm afraid there was laughter in her tone, "is a prisoner for the night on Isola Nobile." I 'm afraid she tittered. "I gave orders that the launch was to start off the moment she put her foot aboard it, and on no account was it to turn back, and on no account was any boat to leave the island till to-morrow morning. I expect she 'll be rather annoyed and puzzled.

Yes; the Signora Baronessa was worse, and that was why the carriage had come half-an-hour earlier. The door of the brougham was shut with a sharp snap, the footman sprang to the box with more than an average flunkey's agility, and the nun was driven rapidly away.

He saw at a glance what she suspected, and instead of keeping cool grew angry. "I came here, Signora Baronessa, not to be cross-examined, but to teach you Italian. Since you do not desire to study, I will say good-morning." He took his hat and moved proudly to the door. "Come here," she said, not raising her voice, but still commanding. He turned, hesitated, and came back.

"Have I the pleasure of meeting the inventor of the new air-ship which is so much talked about?" I asked. "That is my brother Paolo," replied the Baron, unbending slightly. "He will join us later," added the Baronessa, with a quick look at the pretty and rich little widow which betrayed to me a secret.

I do not forgive you for presuming to love my daughter, and I will find means to remind you of the scandal you have brought on my house." He drew himself up to his full height. Nino handed him his crutch-stick civilly. "Signor Conte," he said simply, but with all his natural courtesy, "I am sorry for this affair, to which you forced me, or rather the Signora Baronessa forced us both.