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The members of the Commission said the Spaniards instructed them to say they came motu propio without being formally appointed or 'coached' by the Spanish authorities in what they should say, representing, on the contrary, that they were faithful interpreters of the sentiment of the people of Manila and that they had good reason for believing that if I was willing to accept autonomy General Augustin and Archbishop Nozaleda would recognize my rank of General, and that of my companions, would give me the $1,000,000 indemnity agreed upon at Biak-na-bató and still unpaid, as well as liberal rewards for and salaries to the members of a popular Assembly promises which the Commissioners did not put any faith in, though some of them held the opinion that the money should be accepted because it would reduce the funds of the Spanish Government and also because the money had been wrung from Filipinos.

La instrucción y la educación tienen un doble fin: el individual, que redime la inteligencia humana de los peligros de la ignorancia, y el social, que prepara al hombre y a la mujer a cumplir los deberes de una buena ciudadanía. No se educa uno exclusivamente para su propio bien sino principalmente para ser útil y servir a los demás.

DON EDUARDO. El caso es que cada cual tiene su amor propio ... y para ... la verdad ... no puede ser plato de gusto el entrar en tu familia como un pobretón. DOÑA MATILDE. ¿Qué importa eso? DON EDUARDO. A mucho ... y se me caería la cara de vergüenza. DOÑA MATILDE. Pero, hombre, ¿no ves que tu tío te tiene, por fuerza, que perdonar también pronto?