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And we parted to meet agin in the mornin' to resoom our voyage to Jonesville blessed harbor where we could moor our two barks, Josiah's and mine, and be at rest. Miss Meechim and Dorothy and Robert laid out to start for California the next day, as business wuz callin' Robert there loud and he had to respond. And I may as well tell it now as any time, for it has got to be told.

"But then, you see, Casey " "I see, Donald. You know me better than that." McCrae slapped him on the shoulder with a huge hand, and his voice took on the Gaelic accent of his childhood learned from his father, that McCrae who had in his time ruled a thousand miles of wilderness for the great fur company. "I do know ye, boy, and it is proud I will be of it. There's Sheila at the door, callin' us.

He claim li'l Dills ain' got no biznuss roun' callin' nowhere 't all, 'cause he on'y make about eighteen dollars a week an' ain't wuth it. He say " She was confirmed in this report by an indignant interruption from Florence. "That's just what he did say, the old thing! I heard him, myself, and if you care to ask me, I'll be glad to inform you that I think grandpa's conduck was simply insulting!"

Aye, the Scott'll be a close fisted, hard man a strang man, tae, an' one for ye to fear if you're his enemy, but to respect withal, and to trust. Ye ken whaur the man stands who deals wi' his love and his friends and his siller as does the Scot. And ne'er think ye can fash him by callin' him mean. Wull it sound as if I were boastin' if I talk o' what Scots did i' the war?

He was closer now, and again he cried: "Janet, oh, Janet, wait for me." Her pitcher was thrown upon the sward and she came back a little way, eye and heart and bosom calling to each other through the storm. "Wha's callin' me?" she cried, her voice bleating like a lamb's.

"You asked me jest now who Richard Elrod was. He was the son o' Dick Elrod, and Dick was the son of Richard Elrod, the old Squire. It's curious how you'll name two boys Richard, and one of 'em will always be called Richard and the other'll be called Dick. Nobody ever would 'a' thought o' callin' Squire Elrod 'Dick, he was Richard from the day he was born till the day he died.

"Who's the toff who just left your lot?" he said, when Bates arrived. "Dunno," said Bates. "Some one callin' on Mrs. Lester, I fancy. Why?" "O, nothing. On'y, if I was togged up regardless on a night like this I'd blue a cab fare." "I didn't see him meself," commented Bates. "My boss 'eard him come, an' both of us 'eard him go. He didn't stay more'n five minnits." "Wish I was in his shoes.

"Why last winter I had six of the relation on my side and on hisen, snowbound to our house for a week, and I thought I should go distracted tryin' to keep the house clean, and suit 'em all in vittles, and some on 'em jealous thinkin' I gin the others a better bed, and the other relation comin' in to see 'em and kinder disputin' and twittin' 'em as relation will, and kinder jealous of me because they wuz visitin' me instead of them, and my folks callin' me extravagant in vittles I had a dretful time.

"Unless you make it necessary, we won't be callin' for the wagon," Casane stated. "Just the three of us'll take a little stroll, like I'm telling you just stroll out and take the air up to Headquarters." He slipped into position on one side of the gangster, Ginsburg on the other.

Course, I didn't have the whole thing doped out at the start, but gettin' away with this first stab only showed me how easy it was if you wasn't bashful about callin' for help. From then on I didn't let much assistance get away from me, either.