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I wa'n't such a fool as to cart that critter to the store, where all the gang 'round the store could holler and make fun. Not much! I drove way round the other way, up the back road, and unloaded him at Henry's house. I cal'lated to leave him with Aunt Olive that's Henry's sister, keepin' house for him but she'd gone out to sewin' circle, and there wa'n't nobody to home.

Ezra said he never expected to get more than half his foot back, because the way that plaster stuck he cal'lated it would hang on to the rest. I should feel the same way about the three dollars for a bridge lesson." "Oh, no, you wouldn't after you had taken a few. You'll like it then." "I, like it! Good Heavens, you don't mean " "I meant that you're going to take lessons, too, of course.

The brush was again dipped in the paint pot and the rear elevation of the pine sailor became sky-blue like the other side of him. Then the tall man asked: "Call you what?" "Gab. That's a divil of a name to call anybody. Last time I was in here Cap'n Sam Hunniwell heard you call me that and I cal'lated he'd die laughin'. Seemed to cal'late there was somethin' specially dum funny about it.

Keeps a-sayin' she's all he's got that's true and honest and and all that sort of talk. Give me the crawlin' creeps to hear him. And after that seance thing, too! When that everlastin' foghorn bust loose the first time, I cal'lated " Galusha interrupted. "Primmie," he suggested, gravely, "would you will you be ah kind enough to go into the kitchen?" "Hey? Go into the kitchen? Course I will.

The minister, he hinted that he had some doubts about them dissipated gunners; and the gunners cal'lated they never see a parson yet wouldn't bear watchin'. As for me, I felt like a pickpocket, and, judgin' from Jonadab's face, he felt the same. "The detective man swooped around quiet, bobbin' up in unexpected places, like a porpoise, and askin' questions once in a while.

Isaiah said that he cal'lated 'twas the nature of the critters not to. Mary-'Gusta agreed with him. "Natures are queer things, ain't they?" she said, solemnly. "I guess everybody has a nature, cats and all. Mrs. Hobbs says my nature is a contrary one. What's your kind, Mr. Chase?

Hapgood's face was red, his fists were clenched, and he was shaking one of them under the housekeeper's nose. "Give it to me!" he ordered. "'And it over now, or I'll bash you good and 'ard." Azuba merely smiled. "You'll bash nobody," she declared. "You're a thief, that's what you are a low-down thief. I've always cal'lated you was one, ever since I laid eyes on you; now I know it.

"I don' know as I cal'lated to be the makin' of any child," Miranda had said as she folded Aurelia's letter and laid it in the light-stand drawer. "I s'posed, of course, Aurelia would send us the one we asked for, but it's just like her to palm off that wild young one on somebody else." "You remember we said that Rebecca or even Jenny might come, in case Hannah couldn't," interposed Jane.

The gossips among the townspeople winked and chuckled and cal'lated Fletcher Fosdick had better look out or his girl would be took into the firm of Z. Snow and Co. Issachar Price uttered sarcastic and sly innuendoes. Jane Kelsey and her set ragged the pair occasionally. But even these never really suspected that the affair was serious. And neither Mrs. Fletcher Fosdick nor Captain and Mrs.

"But when I come here to the Shell Road, where there warn't nobody knowed me, it struck me forcible," pursued Cap'n Abe, "that my fambly bein' so little known I could achieve a sort of vicarious repertation as a seagoin' man. "Ye see what I mean? I cal'lated if I'd had a brother a brother who warn't marked with a fear of the ocean he would ha' been a sailor. Course he would!