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C'était lors du couronnement de la reine Victoria. Celle-ci voulait aller au palais de Saint-James, n'ayant dans son carrosse que la duchesse de Kent et une dame d'honneur; mais Lord Albemarle, master of the Horse, exposa qu'il avait le droit de faire le trajet avec la reine, dans la même voiture, comme il l'avait fait avec Guillaume IV. De l

I deemed that yonder honourable dame had kept thee from all the frolics and foibles of the poor old profession. Fear not to tell me, little one. Remember thine own mother hath a heart for such matters. I guess already. C'etait un beau garcon, ce pauvre Antoine." "Oh no, madam," exclaimed Cicely.

The statement that Saul "perceived" that it was Samuel is not to be taken to imply that, even now, Saul actually saw the shade of the prophet, but only that the woman's allusion to the prophetic mantle and to the aged appearance of the spectre convinced him that it was Samuel. Reuss in fact translates the passage "Alors Saul reconnut que c'etait Samuel."

In the corner, near the glass curtained door that led to the inner room, hung clusters of sausages large and small, red, yellow, and speckled. Yvonne jumped up when Fuselli and the sergeant opened the door. "You are good," she said. "Je mourrais de cafard." They laughed. "You know what that mean cafard?" "Sure." "It is only since the war. Avant la guerre on ne savais pas ce que c'etait le cafard.

He drank up the dregs of the wine still left in the bottle, and when he had finished it he said: "AKH! PARDON, maybe you wanted some more. It was horribly careless of me. Le matin je sortais, visits, 5 heures regulierement. I used to go and dine with her; often she was alone. Il faut avouer que c'etait une femme ravissante! You didn't know her at all, did you?" "No."

Their last bottle of ordinaire was finished; Gabr, the Kazi, had come into camp, bearing a long official Arabic document from Lieutenant Yusuf, but not a single Journal de Geneve; there was no news of a steamer being sent with rations and forage from Suez: briefly, c'etait embetant to use the milder of the two favourite synonyms.

At present we have no one here, now that that old actor's dead. Ah! there was a man who was rebellion incarnate! He made rebellion as other men make money, 'c'etait son metier'; when he was no longer capable of active revolution, he made it getting drunk. At the last this was his only way of protesting against Society.

"Le voila," answered the cool Frenchman, "dat is our espion our agent our friend ma foi c'etait un grand scelerat voici." While speaking, Sanglier bent over the dead body, and thrust his hand into a pocket of the Quartermaster, out of which he drew a purse. Emptying the contents on the ground, several double-louis rolled towards the soldiers, who were not slow in picking them up.

The same Jacqueline de la Garde further gave evidence at the trial that M. de Saint-Maixent had often boasted, as of a scientific intrigue, of having spirited away the son of a governor of a province and grandson of a marshal of France; that he spoke of the Marchioness de Bouille, said that he had made her rich, and that it was to him she owed her great wealth; and further, that one day having taken her to a pretty country seat which belonged to him, she praised its beauty, saying "c'etait un beau lieu"; he replied by a pun on a man's name, saying that he knew another Baulieu who had enabled him to make a fortune of five hundred thousand crowns.

C'était pendant l'horreur d'une profonde nuit. By the same simple methods his art can describe the wonderful and perfect beauty of innocence Le jour n'est pas plus pur que le fond de mon coeur; and the furies of insensate passion C'est Vénus toute entière