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"Let's go up to my room, Alan," he said at once; "I've got something to shew you." The moment they were there, with the door bolted, Teddy's fingers went to his waistcoat pocket. "Recognise it?" he asked, holding up an inch of fine gold chain bearing a small nugget. "No I don't. Stay! it's not unfamiliar but no; I can't place it. Whose is it?" "Bullard's." "Oh! Where did you pick it up, Teddy?"

Bullard's enviable humiliation," he observed with venomous courtesy; and added: "Whatever similar honors were in store for Mrs. Harkness and myself are respectfully declined. We, too, are of the opinion that Pilot Haldgren deserves them instead of us." For an instant Chet's flashing smile drew his face into friendly lines. "Thanks!" he said.

I can't understand " "Alan Craig will never turn up! Can't you take Mr. Bullard's word for that?" "Bullard was not with the Expedition " She made a movement of impatience. "Well you ought to have gained Christopher's confidence as to the other matter. Why on earth didn't you find out what your share is going to be?"

The plants still took care of about two-thirds of our waste but the other third was locked out there between the hulls. Given plants enough, we could have thawed it and let them reconvert it; a nice idea, except that we had to wait three months to take care of it, if we lived that long. Bullard's cooking began to get worse. Then suddenly, we got one good meal.

Teddy found a point of vantage whence through the wire walls of the shaft he could obtain a view, not of Bullard's office itself, but of the corridor leading thereto. On the way up he had noted that the Aasvogel Syndicate's door was just round the corner and that it was the only one showing a light. Calling himself a fool for his pains, he settled down to the wretched game of spying.

Alan Craig a wire warnin' him that oh! for God's sake don't look at me so! I didn't give you away!" His voice rose wildly as Bullard's hand stole to a drawer behind him. "No, no; ye shan't shoot me! I must ha' time to repent proper." He took a step forward. "I'm not goin' to hurt ye, but I'm not goin' to let ye kill me till "

Bullard's wire from Paris: I ought to have considered the chance of his having an assistant over there. Secondly, the man with the nose, sir, is Edwin Marvel, an uncommon bad egg, if I may say so, known to my master in the old days; and I am inclined to think that Mr. Bullard employed him to pinch beg pardon, obtain the Green Box, though I do not believe for a moment that Mr.

"Now don't frown and crumple it up and throw it away, as if you were on the stage, Mr. Bullard," said Teddy. "You were never more in real life than you are now. Take your pen, fill in the blank, sign at foot, and return to me. And listen! The man you lied so well about at the inquest, entered your office by the door, at ten-seventeen last night." Bullard's countenance took on a curious shade.

Field Bullard has tried the field. Bullard's setting of Tennyson's almost lurid melodrama in six stanzas, "The Sisters," has caught the bitter mixture of love and hate, and avoided claptrap climaxes most impressively. Words by PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY. Music by FRED. FIELD BULLARD, Op. 17, No. 4.

If the police force, now busily engaged in running clues into theories and theories into the ground, should by any blind chance of fortune be lucky enough to ascertain the identity and lay hands upon the person of Bullard's assassin, the whole town, regardless of the hour, would rise up out of bed to read the news of it.