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"Well then if you don't mind Worth, I'll go and use Vandeman's phone put my office wise to these Brundage clews of yours." Worth nodded. No social scruples were his. I had by no means given up the belief that Skeels in jail at Tiajuana, would still turn out to be one of the gang.

A crunching of gravel outside brought a not inconvenient interruption to this romance. Dick was out of the kitchen like a flash, his right hand in the pocket of his jacket. Mrs. Brundage heard a voice that was not his, and words of a language she had never heard before.

For his brown boots, brushed to the semblance of a shine, brown gaiters of the army cut, green cord riding-breeches which had delighted the heart of Tom Brundage until petrol prevailed over horseflesh and drove him into black; a striped waistcoat, of the old-fashioned waspish, horsey favour, partly buttoned over a grey army shirt and loosely covered by his own Norfolk jacket, with a knotted bandanna in place of collar, made of him an odd, but wholly credible nondescript of the lower sporting world.

Brundage told me," she answered, "that you came through the wood carrying me in your arms." And so was he in hers the reversal of their cases struck him like a soft, heavy blow on the heart. And so much puzzled was Amaryllis by the strange intensity of his eyes lifted to hers that she found the gaze hard to endure, and moved uneasily. "We ought not to stay here, Dick," she said.

The New Yorker's tailor, if his pretensions to fashion were well-founded, was Elmendorf, or Brundage, or Wheeler, or Tryon and Derby; his hatter, St. John, and his bootmakers, Kimball and Rogers. For the wedding ceremony, the man's hair was tightly frizzed by Maniort, the leading hair-dresser of the day.

J.N. Brundage for Congress, on the head cheese ticket, in order that he may use his influence to get head cheese adopted as an army ration, and also as currency with which to wipe out the national debt. "Ha! Ha!

With your permission, Pépe el Lagarto will remain here until the Lady Adelina is able to proceed, when he will guide us to the place where the car is concealed." Dick led the way back to the Brundage kitchen, where he made this strange servant sit down, and set before him half a tumbler of rum. "I hope," he said magnificently, "that you will pardon my listening to a full account of his doings.

"You have great insight, Mrs. Brundage. But it is worse than that: he is a marquis. Well, just before I first met her, Adelina, worn out by her father's alternate cajolery and brutality, had yielded, almost promising to do as he wished. It was during the war " "That war!" exclaimed Mrs. Brundage. "It's got a deal to answer for.

"Monkswood Cottage, near Margetstowe." "Well, then, Mrs. Brundage about that brandy?" "There is a drop of rum for medicine, so to say," admitted Mrs. Brundage, with a cold simper. "Good medicine too," he said. "Lady Adelina will take some in the eggs I'm going to beat up for her. For me, get bacon and eggs, tea, and bags of bread and butter. See, she's opening her eyes.

"It is the leaves," he said. "They are not evil like the drugs of shops and cities. If she flag and is without strength by the way, let her chew a little, whilst you fill her mind with other thoughts. Then will she endure till Dicco wins." Dick turned to Mrs. Brundage, and, to her relief, spoke at last in English. "Madam," he said, "the Marquis and his myrmidons must be hoodwinked.