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"If I can't get cars to ship my coal, I shall be broke, bankrupt," the thin man cried. "I am very sorry " "Sorry be damned! Give me some cars!" "You will have to see Mr. Brundage at St. Louis," Lane answered coldly. "He has final say on such matters for the Western division. I merely follow orders." He rose and closed his desk.

Then, sitting up, with tears running down her face, she sobbed out: "Don't you be unkind to me too." He sat down on the edge of the bed, put an arm round her shaking body, and held the tumbler towards her. "Drink it up," he said; and the Brundage woman noted how adroitly he avoided the hand that would have pushed away the glass. "I don't want it. I want you. I'm safe with you."

But her "Adeline" reminded him that he was already committed to a safer course. "Adelina," he said, correcting her, "the Lady Adelina, not Adeline. Her mother, you see, Mrs. Brundage, was an Italian lady of high birth, and her exalted family were very particular about the end of the name." To gain time he finished his tea, and lighted his pipe his first smoke since he had left St. Albans.

"They're ordered to suspect everything. They've never seen either the man or the woman they're after. They see one woman and a lot of men on a beanfeast, and she's got to pass on to the next picket to be accounted for." "Then why didn't you make Mother Brundage dress me up as a boy?" "Because like this you may be somebody else. In trousers, these blokes would shoot you on sight.

Amaryllis should have her rest. Passing her window, he heard her talking rapidly, her words broken by sobs which pained him, and snatches of laughter which hurt him more. He met Mrs. Brundage at the door. "She's feared of me pushes me away," she whispered. "Highsterical, you may call it. If you're Dick, sir, it's you she wants. I've got her in bed, but I don't promise she'll stay there."

Talking of hoods and winking suggests a sun-bonnet " "Silly, old-fashioned things!" said the woman. "But mebbe I have one that I wore whilst Brundage was courtin'." "And a plain blouse?" Dick continued. "And perhaps a darker skirt "