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"Find that all out to-day in San Francisco?" "No." "Oh, it was the Brundage clew that took you south?" "Yep. Left Louie on the job at the hotel while I was away. To-day, I went after Brundage's automobile. Found he'd kept one in a garage on Jackson Street." "It's gone, of course and no trace," Barbara murmured. "Gone since the day of the bank theft," Worth nodded. "He and the money went in it."

But now, your eyes are listening to mine. Oh, Dick!" she exclaimed. "Yes," he answered gravely, "it's great to be free." "Tremendous!" said Amaryllis. Her hands were looking for her handkerchief in the Brundage pocket.

Louis when they begin work on the new terminals. I'll speak to Brundage the next time he's here." "St. Louis Bessie would like that. She's such a dear, and would enjoy pretty things so much! It seems as if she almost had a right to them." "Why did she marry a poor man, then?" Lane demanded with masculine logic. "Because she loved him, silly! She isn't mercenary."

It is in the interest of the Lady Adelina that I should know everything; and the conclusion of my narrative to you, Mrs. Brundage, must, I regret to say, be postponed." He turned to Pépe, and spoke in the lazy Spanish of the Argentine.

"The father is an Englishman of title, who has long set his heart on a great marriage for his daughter. For months, nay, years, the high-spirited Lady Adelina has resisted the idea of yoking herself with a man she dislikes and for whom she has no respect." "Poor young lady," sighed Mrs. Brundage. The familiar tale was alive with reality for her. "Now I'll lay the father's a baronet," she said.

He pushed past her, saw the rum-bottle and the eggs set out on the kitchen table, took a tumbler and spoon from the dresser, and broke the first egg into the glass. "Sugar," he said, "and milk." Mrs. Brundage gave him both, with a quickness which pleased him. "Tell her Dick's coming," he said, and the woman went, leaving the door ajar.

Attorney General Brundage prepared a brief showing that the mistake in the first certified copy did not affect the legality of the ratification on June 10, as the mistake was made in copying the introductory resolution and not in the amendment itself. This opinion was accepted in the Secretary of State's office at Washington.

"Mother Brundage," said Amaryllis, "greased her hands from the frying-pan and rubbed it down hand over hand as if she were hoisting a sail. The Marquis of Ontario," she said, "would know I wasn't his daughter, with that-coloured hair." "Then why did you go all to pieces," asked Dick, "at the sound of Melchard's voice?" "It was that frightful man made me feel queer.

With the cut cheek decently washed, the face shaved with Tom Brundage's worst razor, and a patch of flour congealing the blood of his wound, he looked very different from the ruffian who had disturbed, so short a while since, the lunch of the Brundage chickens.

"Abajo las manos," Dick had said just in time, for Pépe el Lagarto's hands hung by his sides once more when Mrs. Brundage came round the corner and caught her first sight of him. A small, dingy-faced man, with fear in the lines of his mouth, but a pathetic, dog-like trust in his eyes, stood looking up at the stern master who, it seemed, had caught him unawares. Mrs.