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"Wot is it?" ses the skipper, shutting the wicket behind 'em. "A beanfeast?" "This lady wants her 'usband," ses the pot-man, pointing at me. "He run away from her nine years ago, and now he says he 'as never seen 'er before. He ought to be 'ung." "Bill," ses the skipper, shaking his silly 'ead at me. "I can 'ardly believe it." "It's all a pack o' silly lies," I ses, firing up.

Tossing is not the sort of pastime any fellow would choose for fun, not if he were the party to be tossed, though it is a beanfeast for the onlookers. They manage it this way.

"They're ordered to suspect everything. They've never seen either the man or the woman they're after. They see one woman and a lot of men on a beanfeast, and she's got to pass on to the next picket to be accounted for." "Then why didn't you make Mother Brundage dress me up as a boy?" "Because like this you may be somebody else. In trousers, these blokes would shoot you on sight.

He touched the cap again, and made a not ungraceful gesture, indicating the wearer of the weather-beaten peonies and the green-and-yellow ulster, who clung to his thin elbow with a red, hard-working hand. "Me an' my wife, that is. Bein' on a sort of outin', a kind of Beanfeast for Two, we took the notion, being stryngers to South Wyles, of droppin' in 'ere an' tippin' the 'Ow Do."

He withdrew his hand and pulled his dress to. Poor fellow! Quite a boy. Terrible. Really terrible. What dreams would he have, not seeing? Life a dream for him. Where is the justice being born that way? All those women and children excursion beanfeast burned and drowned in New York. Holocaust. Karma they call that transmigration for sins you did in a past life the reincarnation met him pike hoses.

Who were those awful persons, who occupied more of the train than a bricklayer's beanfeast, and yet were more fastidious and delicate than the King's own suite? Who were these that were larger than a mob, yet more mysterious than a monarch? Was it possible that instead of our Royal House visiting the Tsar, he was really visiting us? Or does the House of Lords have a breakfast?

"They say he always was a jabberer in the composing-room, and he has jabbered himself right out of it and into a pretty good thing. He didn't have much to say about the crimes of capital when he was set up to second the toast of 'Railton and Hockes' at the beanfeast." "Toast and butter, toast and butter," said Wimp, genially. "I shouldn't blame a man for serving the two together, Mr. Cantercot."

As soon as they caught sight of us they began waving handkerchiefs and parasols. "Hullo!" I said, "here's some people hailing you." "Oh, they all do that about here," he answered, without looking up. "Some beanfeast from Abingdon, I expect." The boats draw nearer. When about two hundred yards off an elderly gentleman raised himself up in the prow of the leading one and shouted to us.

"Wot is it?" ses the skipper, shutting the wicket behind 'em. "A beanfeast?" "This lady wants her 'usband," ses the pot-man, pointing at me. "He run away from her nine years ago, and now he says he 'as never seen 'er before. He ought to be 'ung." "Bill," ses the skipper, shaking his silly 'ead at me. "I can 'ardly believe it." "It's all a pack o' silly lies," I ses, firing up.

'A nice snug little party, exclaimed that charming optimist, Lady Kirkbank. 'I hate a crowd on a drag. The way some of the members of the Four-in-hand Club load their coaches on parade reminds me of a Beanfeast! They found Lady Kirkbank's footman and one of Mr. Smithson's grooms waiting in the hall of the opera house.