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Of course I painted it; it's the best nymph scene I ever done. Don't get mad, mister; I paint most of the Corots. I'm glad you like 'em. "For a moment I feared that little Rosenheim would smite the lank annoyer dead in his tracks. 'For heaven's sake be careful! I cried.

Anthony, but whom he actually saw treated with as free admiration by the ecclesiastic as by the layman. Suddenly a clamour of voices arose on the other side of the closely-clipped wall of limes by which the two youths were walking. There were the clear tones of a young maiden expostulating in indignant distress, and the bantering, indolent determination of a male annoyer.

So there were reasons why this sham offer must be treated as if it were an honest one, vexatious as the necessity appeared to the President. Perhaps he was cheered by the faith which he had in the wisdom of proverbs, for now, very fortunately, he permitted himself to be guided by a familiar one; and he decided to give to his annoyer liberal rope. Accordingly he authorized Mr.

"As this young woman does not wish to talk with you," Darrin suggested, "you may address all your remarks to me." While the two young men stood eyeing each other Darrin noted that the young woman's annoyer was somewhat taller than himself, broader of shoulder and deeper of chest. He had the same confidence of athletic poise that Dave himself displayed.

Bring along more questions you hear me; I've lots more to say." The judge cut short his eloquence, but he had said enough, and there was wild approval from the prairie contingent, in which some of the citizens joined, and through it Jasper towered before the assembly, a stalwart figure, shaking a great fist and ejaculating something in the direction of his annoyer.

There was a moment of silence, then she explained how she came to be talking instead of Lilas. He thanked her and she heard him muttering as he hung up. She turned to find her annoyer nodding with satisfaction. "Splendid! I thank you; my father thanks you; my family thanks you. Now where would you like to dine?" "How can a person get rid of you?" she inquired, stiffly.

Like a flash, the annoyer wheeled upon Darrin, his eyes flashing dangerously. "Young man," he warned, threateningly, "the best thing you can possibly do will be to make yourself scarce as quickly as possible. As for this young woman " The tormentor moved a step nearer to the young woman, whose face had turned very pale. Dave slipped quietly between them.

Andy's heart stood still. He had no doubt but that Ruth's annoyer had dogged his steps and had captured him. But there was little of the coward about Andy; he would face the worst. He pushed through the tangle of leaves, trying to free his hand, but the clasp was like iron. The captor was not the Britisher, but a man of quite another sort. He was young, handsome, splendidly formed.

"That is a taunt not often thrown at me," the young man laughed, carelessly. "Only a coward would attempt to win a woman's love by threats," replied the girl, more calmly, though bitterness rang in her tone. "As for you, I wish to assure you that I am quite through with you!" "Oh, no, you're not!" rejoined the annoyer, with the air of one who knows himself to be victor.

But Ensign Darrin could not believe his eyes when he found himself faced by the man who had annoyed the young woman on the night before -and that annoyer standing there erect and handsome in the uniform of a Navy lieutenant! Their hands met, but in light clasp, without pretense of warmth.