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When th’ Yankee boys from Californy came marchin’ in an’ th’ Rebs had to skedaddleJohnny, he went with ’em. Didn’t see Johnny round here agin till last fall when he came ridin’ in lookin’ mighty beat out an’ down in th’ mouth. But when th’ Union men came, they was thinkin’ th’ same ’bout Don Cazar. Wanted him to jump right in an’ swim ’longside o’ them.

The dust lay thick on the floor and a large squirrel leaped out of the roof as they entered. "Well, whoever was on the island has moved on again," declared Zeb. "Or died," said Jack in a low tone. "Wa'al, what I say is," observed Zeb, "ther sooner we git at that what-yer-may-call-um stuff and get away agin, the better it'll be for all of us. There's suthin' about this island I don't like."

When I seen the black settle down to his work," he explained to Dan with another grin, "I knowed he'd nail him in the end an' I staked twenty on you agin my friend here! That was sure a slick change of hosses you made." There were other losers. Money chinked on all sides to an accompaniment of laughter and curses.

"I know it," says I. "I told Dorlesky it would. But she feels jest so, and I promised to do her errent; and I am a doin' it." Agin he rubbed his brow in deep thought, and agin he says, "I don't think Dorlesky is unreasonable in her demands, only in the length of time she has set." Says I, "That is jest what I told Dorlesky. I didn't believe you could do her errents this week.

"Nature must have its way; an' surely, within reason, it's not sinful, seein' that God himself has given us the feelin's of sorrow, whin thim that we love is lavin' us lavin' us never, never to see them agin. It's only nature, afther all; and now ma colleen dhas"

I see Josiah bore from me on the lava flood, and then agin I wuz swep' from him and dashed up on a billow of flame, and visey versey, versey visey. I had a dretful night, and got up twice and looked out of the winder on the grand spectacle.

"That's jes' so," said Miss Barry, her eyes glistening over her knitting, which they did not need to watch. And there was a hum of assent through the room. "I'm not sayin' nothin' agin him," said Mrs. Flandin in an injured manner; "but what I was hintin', I warn't sayin' nothin', is that he's married a" "A beauty" said Mrs. Boddington. "I don't set no count on beauty," said the other.

"Certingly, you bet!" said Uncle Billy enthusiastically, yet with a certain nervous abstraction. "I'm glad ye say so; for yer see I didn't know at first how you'd tumble to my doing it, until I'd made my pile. And ef I hadn't made it, I wouldn't hev set eyes on ye agin, old pard never!" "Do you mind my runnin' out a minit," said Uncle Billy, rising.

I told them I had heard of instances where an overseer was missing occasionally. One old man dropped his head, then looking up said, in a hesitating manner, "I's knowed that in my time, but massar keep it mighty still, an' say de overseer runned away, an' he git one right soon agin." I talked and read, and offered prayer with these stripped and lonely ones.

De wuss ting He enemies cud speak agin 'Im wuz, Dis man 'ceiveth sinners: I wuz a sinner. I des arst 'Im ter sabe me, en He did. I des trus' 'Im fer life en death en does de bes' I kin. Dat's all. But hit's 'SPEARANCE, marse cap'n, en I KNOWS hit. Now, marse cap'n, w'at fo' you go way in the de dark, you dunno whar? De bressed Lawd say, I go ter prepare a place fer you.