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I kept the young lawyer up one night till 12 o'clock listenin to a lot of acts in regard to a drawbridge away orf in the east part of the State, havin' sent my daughter to bed at half-past 8. He hasn't bin there since, and I understan' he says I go round swindlin' the Public. I never attempted to reorganize my wife but onct. I shall never attempt agin.

Or if they fall through a sidewalk or anywhere else they have to both be doctored up and have the same splints on and rubbed with the same anarky, etc." "That's very different," sez Jane Olive. "Why different?" sez I. "If they both fall morally their morals ort to be mended up agin both on 'em.

But they were apparently satisfied with her ignorance, for Patterson resumed, yet more gloomily: "Then if he wasn't hidin' here beknownst to you, he must have changed his mind agin and got away by the embarcadero. The only thing wantin' to prove that idea is to know how he got a boat, and what he did with the hoss.

"You fetch the second out o' his saddle, if a second show. That'll gie the others a scare, an' keep 'em back a bit, so's we'll hev good time to get loaded agin." All this both speech and action has not occupied over two minutes of time.

"Then she don't know what her lover is yet?" asked the Expressman eagerly. "No." "Are YOU certain it's one of the gang?" "Can't say FOR SURE. It mout be a young chap from Yolo who bucked agin the tiger* at Sacramento, got regularly cleaned out and busted, and joined the gang for a flier.

Anything seemed to me better than to be alone at night with a ghost. But anon, as I quaked and trembled under that sheet, the voice spoke agin "Samantha, are you awake?" And I sprung up in bed agin, and sez I "Josiah Allen, where are you? Oh, save me, Josiah! save me!" The white figger turned. "Save you from what, Samantha? Is there a mouse under the bed, or is it a spider, or what?"

"Do you mind if I stand up for a minute and stretch?" "Red" cogitated a moment. "No law agin it, I reckon," he conceded ungraciously. Bert labored painfully and clumsily to his feet, yawned wearily and stretched his arms above his head. Then with one quick jerk he burst the rope and went into "Red" like a thunderbolt.

They shall meet again by Knockers' Llyn, where I seed the Golden Hand, and arter that, never shall little Sinfi go agin you, dear. And never no more shall any one on 'em, Gorgio or Gorgie, bring their gries and their beautiful livin'-waggins among tents o' ourn. Never no more shall they jine our breed never no more, never no more. And then my dukkeripen can't come true.

Jared Baskins's son a eucher player," gasped the Deacon. "Why, his father'd no more tech a card than he would a coal o' fire. Not so much, for I've often heard him say that a coal o' fire kin only burn the hands, while cards scorch the soul." "Well, Jed," continued Shorty, "bantered me to play three games out o' five for this here ax agin my galvanized brass watch.

"I turned into the Square, found the white house wid the geraniums, helps her out of me cab and steadied her up the steps, pulled the key out, and was just goin' to put it in the lock when she fell up agin the door and open it went. The gas was turned low in the hall, so that she wouldn't know me if she looked at me.