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An' I've sponged her off with cool water, an' she feels better, though she's off agin, an' I'm afraid the fever'll be runnin' up on us before the doctor can git here." "You mean she isn't sensible now?" demanded Francis, whose eyes had lighted up with hope when she began to speak. "Well, not so's ye could talk to her. An' ye might excite her. Them they loves does often."

As it was he had to skip the range, and hain't never been back. I don't s'pose folks will lay it up agin you bein' a girl but they couldn't no son of Ed Wetherford come back here and settle, not for a minute. Why, yore ma has had to bluff the whole county a'most not that I lay anything up agin her. I tell folks she was that bewitched with Ed she couldn't see things any way but his way.

I'd been considerable sot agin it, but I went home with the eye of my spectacles able to look on both sides. The side I didn't like, that it shares with other Pleasure Resorts. And its good side, as a care lightener, and diversion to toil.

He's got all sorts of lovely preserved fruits in beautiful juices, and cakes, and ginger floating in its own gravy, and there is a bottle of Chinese brand under the counter. Now, Matthew, I think it is a sin to encourage the inferior races to indulge in intoxicants." "Don't," cried the Living Skeleton, a ring of anguish in his tones. "Yeh know, it's agin the rules t' talk t' me of things t' eat.

On our way home we came to the green fields that lie on this side of the haunted house; a portion of it, on a risin' ground, is covered with furz. Now listen when we came to it he stood; 'Barney, says he, 'there's a hare here; give me the dogs, Sambo and Snail; they'll have sich a hunt as they never had yet, and never will have agin.

Robert Strong liked and respected her, I spoze mebby on Dorothy's account, and Tommy adored her; why, even Josiah felt towards her, he said, some as if she wuz Tirzah Ann growed young agin. Arvilly's heart she won completely by makin' her a bag to carry the "Twin Crimes" in.

But at that, it's hard to disguise a ship in a live port, an' the secret service agents o' the Mexican government may be a-layin' for us in San Francisco; and with this here mate agin us an' ready to turn state's evidence, we're pirates under the law, an' it don't take much imagination to see three pirates swingin' from the same yard-arm. No, sir, Mac.

For a long time Jim had managed to keep alive his resentful feelings toward his wife, accusing of being the source of all his misfortunes the poor little woman who was loving and longing so sincerely for him. But when illness came he could hold out no longer. "I made up my mind then," said he, "that if ever I got hum agin, I'd go deown on my knees an' ax pardin' o' my Sairy."

'You don't ask me how you happened to meet me at Holywell, brother, said she to me, as we stood looking across the water at Carnarvon Castle, over whose mighty battlements the moon was fighting with an army of black, angry clouds, which a wild wind was leading furiously against her 'you don't ask me how you happened to meet me at Holywell, nor how long I've been back agin in dear old Wales, nor what I've been a-doin' on since we parted; but that's nuther here nor there.

Why, it's a lovely slender creature, with short pretty ears and taper limbs, and a sleek, glossy coat, like like me, Mary, dear; why, I'm an ass myself. Pray, do get me somethin' to eat. I really believe my appetite's comin' back agin." Mary looked at March in much concern.