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She called it "the Dukkeripen of the Trushul." The sun was now on the point of sinking, and his radiance, falling on the cloud-pageantry of the zenith, fired the flakes and vapoury films floating and trailing above, turning them at first into a ruby-coloured mass, and then into an ocean of rosy fire.

At the end of this discussion Mivart directed my attention to Sinfi Lovell. She sat as though listening to some voice. Her head was bent forward, her lips were parted, and her eyes were closed. Then I heard her say in a loud whisper, 'Yis, mammy dear, little Sinfi's a-listenin'. Yis, this is the way to make her dukkeripen come true, and then mine can't. Yis, this is the very way.

Softly friend; when thou wouldst speak harshly of the dead, remember that thou hast not yet fulfilled thy own dukkeripen! My father, as I have already informed the reader, had been endowed by nature with great corporeal strength; indeed, I have been assured that, at the period of his prime, his figure had denoted the possession of almost Herculean powers.

"Well I sees strange things among the Romans; there's the dukkerin and dukkeripen, an' the Walkers o' the Heath. They're a strange folk, the Romans 'specially old Azor!" "But you are not afraid never have been?" "No," she answered, shaking her head slowly, "I've never been afeard of anything or any one yet except old Azor."

'A bad, violent man! Softly, friend; when thou wouldst speak harshly of the dead, remember that thou hast not yet fulfilled thy own dukkeripen!

That's what my mammy used to say. But there wur one as could, and did, master her own dukkeripen Shuri Lovell's little Sinfi. 'You have mastered your dukkeripen, Sinfi? 'Yes, I've mastered mine, she said, with the same look of triumph on her face 'I swore I'd master my dukkeripen, brother, an' I done it.

Perhaps by the time we had left the Ring this mood would have passed. After a minute or so she said, 'You needn't see no fear about not marryin' Winifred Wynne. You must marry her; your dukkeripen on Snowdon didn't show itself there for nothink. When you two was a-settin' by the pool, a-eatin' the breakfiss, I was a-lookin' at you round the corner of the rock.

Some were of vivid green; others of the brightest orange; others as black as pitch. The gypsy's finger was pointed to a particular part of the sky. 'What do you see there, brother? 'A strange kind of cloud. 'What does it look like, brother? 'Something like a stream of blood. 'That cloud foreshoweth a bloody dukkeripen. 'A bloody fortune! said I. 'And whom may it betide?

"Bah!" said Josephine, "when did you turn gypsy, Sally? You ought to sell dukkeripen, and make your fortune. Why don't you unfold Letty's fate?" "No," said I, laughing. "Don't you know that the afflatus always exhausts the priestess? You may tell Letty's fortune, or mine, if you will; but my power is gone." "I can tell yours easily, O Sibyl!" replied she.

They shall meet again by Knockers' Llyn, where I seed the Golden Hand, and arter that, never shall little Sinfi go agin you, dear. And never no more shall any one on 'em, Gorgio or Gorgie, bring their gries and their beautiful livin'-waggins among tents o' ourn. Never no more shall they jine our breed never no more, never no more. And then my dukkeripen can't come true.