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A helpless critter like that you oughta be ashamed abusin' dumb animals that can't fight back!" "Oh, can't he?" Grant laughed grimly. "You turn that dog loose!" Saunders became vehement, and paid the penalty of a paroxysm of coughing. "You go to the devil. If you were an able-bodied man, I'd get you, too just to have a pair of you. Yelping, snapping curs, both of you."

"Look here, Barker," and Jim squared his shoulders as he looked steadily at the other man; "you're boss here, and I takes orders from you, but if I catches you abusin' Poll, your bein' boss won't make no difference." "You can't bluff me," shouted Barker. "I ain't bluffin'; I'm only TELLIN' yer," said Jim, very quietly. "Well, you TELL her to get onto her job. If she don't she quits, that's all."

To think of a white woman, maybe a girl like Nell Wells, at the mercy of those red devils!" "Young fellar, don't go wrong. I'll allow Injuns is bad enough; but I never hearn tell of one abusin' a white woman, as mayhap you mean. Injuns marry white women sometimes; kill an' scalp 'em often, but that's all. It's men of our own color, renegades like this Girty, as do worse'n murder."

"We're a little like the old fellow 'at told the young preacher 'at he'd better stick to abusin' the sins of Esau and Jacob and David and Peter, an' let the sins o' that congregation alone." "I'll try and give you satisfaction," said Keith. The squire appeared pleased. His face relaxed and his tone changed. "You won't have no trouble," he said good-humoredly. "Not if you're like your father.

'I'm so glad they're all dead. I shouldn't like to see them going up and down stairs. I'm sure they'd scold me! 'Don't you be abusin' your elders, Master Bobby; and liking them dead be not a right state o' mind at all. 'But dead people are very happy in heaven. Nurse says so. Wouldn't you like to be dead, Mr. Jenkins?

Good creeter! it seemed a pity to see so many of 'em his enemies might keep right on abusin' him, and say that he wuz double-faced, or sixty or eighty faced, when I know, and they all ort to know, that he wuz straightforward and stiddy as the sun. Poor creeter! it wuz too bad that there should be so many of 'em. Ch.

He took pertic'ler delight in abusin' an' tormentin' Dave, an' the poor little critter was jest as 'fraid as death of him, an' good reason. Father was awful hard, but he didn't go out of his way; but 'Lish never let no chance slip.

"He was talkin' low down, hittin' at men who couldn't hit back, abusin' prisoners, which the same was Obed an' me. He was doin' what I guess you would call tauntin', tellin' of all the things we would have to suffer. He said that they'd get you, too, before mornin' an' that we'd all be hanged as rebels an' traitors to Mexico. He laughed at the way he fooled us.

"It's curious, but a've noticed that when a Moderate gets lazy he preaches auld sermons, but a Free Kirk minister taks tae abusin' his neeburs and readin' screeds o' the Bible. "But Maister Pittendreigh hes twa sermons, at ony rate," and Elspeth tasted the sweets of memory with such keen relish that I begged for a share.

"I've been abusin' him down thar in the woods. I come might' nigh killin' him onct." The old man stroked on, scarcely heeding the boy's words, so much nonsense would he talk when ill. "I've been lyin' to ye, Uncl' Gabe, 'n' a-deceivin' of ye right along.