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"They's so, dang many things he MIGHT be aimin' to do, that I ain't been right easy in my mind the last day or two, and I'm tellin' ye so. 'S like a storm I kin smell trouble two days off; that's mebby why I'm still alive an' able to fork a boss. An' I'm tellin' you right now, I kin smell trouble stronger'n a polecat under the chicken-house!" "Well, by cripes, let 'er come!"

Sally nodded, and sipped again at the thick glass from which she was drinking. "I'm strong," she said. "I'm hard ... tough. If I make up my mind...." "Yes. I'm like that," insisted Gaga. It was so preposterous that Sally could only look measuringly at him with a puzzled contempt that might have been read. "I'm stronger'n you are," she answered. "I'm small; but I don't mind what I do.

Young nodded, and Tess rose and started toward the stairs. Passing Sandy and Waldstricker, she had to draw aside her skirts to avoid touching them. The dwarf, seated on the floor beside Boy, was mending a train of cars when Tessibel's white face appeared at the door. "Andy," she said, trying to speak calmly. "Remember about the hands stronger'n Waldstricker's? Nobody can hurt you. But but "

Then the two of them sat.... The crackling of the freshly burning wood and the ticking of the clock were the only sounds in the room. "I heard what the man said 'bout Waldstricker's hands bein' stronger'n God's," reflected Andy, aloud, presently. Then he raised his body a little from the floor that he might look into the girl's face. "Say, brat, has old Eb got any marks on his hands?"

An' if Lafe don't just about beat the life out of you when I tell him about this, I will, with my own hand, right before his eyes. That's what " Jinnie interrupted her eagerly. "Lafe won't beat me," she answered, "but I'll let you make me black and blue, Peg, if I can keep the puppy. Matty used to beat me fine, and she was a good bit stronger'n you."

Drinks wine at dinner, they say, which I disbelieve in on account of Tim, who never took nothin' stronger'n sweet cider through a straw." At last, to Eloise's relief, Mrs. Biggs said good-night, and left her with the remark, "I don't s'pose you'll sleep a wink. I didn't the first night after my sprain, nor for a good many nights neither."

"Well," replied Allan Harding, cautiously, "mebbe you're right, but I guess those fellows in the green canoe stand a good chance. Look how strong they are. Say, who are they, anyway?" "Hm! Jack Harvey's stronger'n any of them," asserted Jim loyally, eying his stalwart friend, as a canoe passed containing Harvey and Henry Burns. "Those other chaps are Jim and John Ellison.

"'Huh? s'she, intelligent as the back o' somethin'. "'You, I says, 'are some bigger an' some stronger'n me. What you goin' to give me? "Well, sir, the way she dropped her arms down sort o' hit at me, it was so kitten helpless. I took that in rather than her silly, sort o' insultin' laugh. "'I can't do nothin', she told me an' all to once I saw how it was, an' that that was what ailed her.

When we're rich, we'll come back. "What do you think of that, Joel Barton?" demanded his wife. Joel shrugged his shoulders. "I shan't worry much," he said. "They'll be back by to-morrer, likely." "Then you'll have to split some wood to-day, Joel. You can't expect a delicate woman like me to do such rough work." "You're stronger'n I be, Mrs. "Perhaps you'll find I am if you don't go to work."

"Hain't you larnt her how to read an' write an' cipher?" asked Teague. "I started in," said Mrs. Poteet, "but, Lord! I hain't more'n opened a book tell she know'd mor'n I dast to know ef I wuz gwine to die fer it. Hit'll take somebody lots smarter'n' stronger'n me." Teague laughed, and then relapsed into seriousness. After a while he called Sis.