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He turned to his farm-hand who was reading the other half of the paper. "By God! if I have that young feller in de hayfield once, I show him someting. Listen here what he do wit his money." And Frank began the catalogue of the young man's reputed extravagances. Marie sighed. She thought it hard that the Goulds, for whom she had nothing but good will, should make her so much trouble.

A week after Tony's escape Vincent returned late one evening from a visit to some friends. Dan, as he took his horse, whispered to him: "Stop a little on your way to house, Marse Vincent; me hab someting to tell you." "What is it, Dan?" Vincent asked as the lad, after putting up his horse in the stable, came running up to him. "Me have seen Tony, sah. He in de shrubs ober dar.

When it was all over and the basket empty, he jumped down from the platform, his fat back bent in excitement, tossed aside the rug, lifted the big box, placed it beside the gilt throne, and raised his puffy hands to command attention: "Now listen, everybody! I got someting to say. Beesvings don't have all dis to herselluf. Now it is my turn. Come up closer so I get hold of you.

Lint; he agreed to pay the fifteen shillings for the garment. And Rafael, pocketing the money with perfect simplicity, said, "Dis vay, Mr. Brownsh: dere's someting vill shoot you in the next shop." Lord Codlingsby followed him, wondering. "You are surprised at our system," said Rafael, marking the evident bewilderment of his friend.

Here it is," said Alice. "Then you shall benefit by it," said the mate; "though I am afraid that we have nothing to mix it in at present." "I find someting," cried Nub; and darting out, he soon returned with a big shell, in which some sago flour was quickly stirred up with water.

"Don't you think it's just perfectly lovely, Ramsey?" "Yes'm." The next morning Ramsey came into his father's room while Mr. Milholland was shaving, an hour before church time, and it became apparent that the son had someting on his mind, though for a while he said nothing. "Did you want anything, Ramsey?" "Well " "Didn't want to borrow my razors?" "No, sir." Mr. Milholland chuckled.

Dat man dat bought me he rode in two days someting like one hundred miles. It wor a lucky ting dat Jake had tramp on his feet de last four years, else soon enough he tumble down, and den de rope round him neck hang him. Jake awful footsore and tired when he git to de end ob dat journey. De Kentucky man he lib in a clearing not far from a village.

"Dat am someting like," the black said, looking with delight at the liberal allowance. "Me drink him de last ting at night, den me go to sleep and no one 'spect nuffin'. Whereber you get dat spirit?" "Never you mind, Sam," Tony said with a grin. "Dar's more where dat comes from, and maybe you will get anoder taste ob it."

"Either there was no land in sight yesterday, and we were mistake when we fancied we formerly saw it, or a mist hanging about it hid it from our view." "Perhaps we see it when daylight come back," observed Nub; "and dat just begin to break astern." The dawn gradually increased. Nub kept eagerly looking out ahead. "I see someting!" he exclaimed suddenly. "It either a rock or a boat."

"Vell, if it's business, and you don't mean noddin, dot's anudder ting," replied Kling, in a milder tone, "maybe den I tell you. Run avay, Masie, I got someting private to say. Dot's right. You go talk to Mrs. Gossburger Yes," he added, as the child disappeared, "I did buy a big lace shawl like dot." Pickert's grin covered half his face. He could get along now without a search-warrant.