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Scarlett showed his satisfaction by drawing a long breath full of relief, and the spirits of both seemed relieved by the knowledge that the grisly relics told no tale of a human being's terrible fate. "I dare say there are more bones about, if we were to search," said Fred. "But what a great gloomy place it is! Who'd have thought that there was such a cave on our shore?"

There, hidden by the noble trees which flourished as soon as the moorland proper, with its black peaty soil, was passed, lay the Hall, and a feeling of sadness and depression came over him as he thought of his home being made the scene of a bloody fight, and again falling into the enemy's hands. "May I speak a word, Master Scarlett?" said a voice behind him, in a whisper.

Francis continued, "Now I do not wish to be your enemy, Scarlett Trent, or to do you an ill turn, but this is my word to you. Produce Monty within a week and open reasonable negotiations for treating him fairly, and I will keep silent. But if you can't produce him at the end of that time I must go to his relations and lay all these things before them." Trent rose slowly to his feet.

As he rose to go Scarlett wished his host good-night with a hearty shake-hands. "'Good-night good-night; we shall meet again on Monday." Alas! Campbell died that night suddenly, and by a singular interposition of Providence, Scarlett died suddenly the next day, Sunday. They met no more in this world.

They dare not!" he said to himself, as he sat fast; and directly after a group of showily dressed Cavaliers appeared at the large open window above the broad porch. He could see that Sir Godfrey Markham was in the centre, with a tall fair man with a pointed beard on one side, a grey dark man on the other, and half behind him stood Scarlett, with some dozen more.

Then, after removing a few of the tracks of his passage, the elasticity of the undergrowth and its springing up helping the concealment, Scarlett descended to his henchman's side, and after a pause helped him along the passage right to the vault, where, as soon as he had got rid of his burthen, the lad found his father sleeping calmly.

Who's going to wade through water for the sake of having a secret place?" "Nobody," replied Scarlett; "but let's go on, as we've gone so far." "Ugh!" "What's the matter?" cried Scarlett, stopping short suddenly. "I thought something laid hold of my leg. Mind!" Scarlett nearly dropped the lanthorn. "Oh, I say, Scar, that would be too horrible. Do be careful. I don't want to be in the dark again."

In the progress of his investigations, the learned counsel had discovered that the accomplished lady of my friend, was none other than one of the unmarried wives of the lamented Captain Scarlett, and that the legal representatives were already in the secure possession of his estates! "My stars shine darkly over me" Shakspeare. "A most poor man, made tame by fortune's blows." Idem.

Why, if I had been in command of the men, instead of Sir Godfrey, I would not have left two of the rebels together. Now you see the mistake." "I have no doubt that my father and Colonel Grey did what was right," said Scarlett, hotly. "And what does a boy like you know about it, sir?" cried the young officer, fiercely. "To your place."

"Have the goodness to keep your pity for those who need it, crop-ear," said Scarlett, scornfully; "and recollect that I am, though a prisoner, one of his Majesty's officers, one who holds no converse with rebels." Fred's cheeks flushed again, and his brow wrinkled. "Very well," he said angrily. "We are fighting on opposite sides, but I did not know that we need insult each other when we met."