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"How is it that none of those ships go down? That would give us help." "Hush! hush!" John Girdlestone cried imploringly. "Speak in a whisper when you talk of such things." "I can't understand you," said Ezra petulantly. "You persistently over-insure your ships, year after year. Look at the Leopard; it is put at more than twice what she was worth as new.

And Helen read in her high-pitched, petulantly graceful soprano: "Resolutions adopted at a special meeting of the Central Bureau of the Federated Children's Organisations of the United States: "1.

"What shall a poor girl do with this great estate upon her hands? It will go to ruin without a man to govern it." "You must not attempt the task. You must employ an intendant." I caught something that sounded oddly like a sob. Could it be? Dieu! could it be, after all? Yet I would not presume. I half turned again, but her voice detained me. It came petulantly now.

I'll hire some one to steal it and burn it the first chance I get." She turned away petulantly, moving to the door. "I'd like to think I could hope to hear the last of it before I die!" "Edith!" he called, as she went into the hall. "What's the matter?" "I want to ask you: Do I really look better, or have you just got used to me?"

They heard him murmur petulantly, his glance wandering. Her hand passed across his forehead, and then her touch lingered on the bandage which surrounded his left shoulder. She cried out at that, and Dan's glance checked in its wandering and fixed upon the face which leaned above him. They saw his eyes brighten, widen, and a frown gradually contract his forehead.

Kicking the chairs to one side they began taking off their great skin-coats and caps and red-and-white blankets. As the taller of the two petulantly threw his wraps down, something hard struck the floor heavily. He gave a cry of greedy exultation, felt in the pocket of the coat, drew out a bottle of whiskey, and proceeded without delay to break off the neck on the stove.

"How can you make such foolish promises, Maria?" said Sir James petulantly. "There, hold your tongue, sir, and you may stay another half-hour." "But ma said I might stop up as long as I liked," howled Master Edgar. "Then for goodness' sake stop up all night, sir," said Sir James impatiently; and Master Edgar stayed till the visitors had gone. "Enjoyed your evening, my dear?" said the doctor.

"Oh, Grace!" he exclaimed, "you are not trifling with me?" "What makes you think I am trifling with you?" Horace was innocent enough to answer her seriously. "You would not even let me speak of our marriage just now," he said. "Never mind what I did just now," she retorted, petulantly. "They say women are changeable. It is one of the defects of the sex."

Henrietta Templeton Price, recognized leader of our literary and artistic set. Or I think they call it a 'group' or a 'coterie' or something. Setting at Lon's desk she was, toying petulantly with horrid old pens and blotters, and probably bestowing glances of disrelish from time to time round the grimy office where her scrubby little husband toiled his days away in unromantic squalor.

"This is no joke." An undefined mistrust of his own powers suddenly possessed him in the presence of this mystery. "How do you come to know of Nina Brun and Lord Seastoke?" "You are a detective, Louis," replied Carrados. "How does one know these things? By using one's eyes and putting two and two together." Carlyle groaned and flung out an arm petulantly. "Is it all bunkum, Max?