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The nickname was not adopted by the rest of the family another was invented which appealed more to their imagination but she held to the name she had given me, and during the course of our long friendship never addressed me by any other. There was no reason why I should have become the friend of these people. We were opposed in character and temperament, but somehow we seemed to suit.

"So there's something in the nickname, after all?" "What nickname?" said I. "Red Nat?" "No. 'Gentleman of the road, Adam." "Thank you, Eve. If I could feel my mouth, I'd kiss your hand for that. As it is " I helped her to her feet and set the lamp on the front seat. Then I bade her stand in the doorway while I wrapped the rug about her.

The old Admiral, who had at the outset given her that nickname, spent a great deal of time that might have been profitably employed otherwise in deliberately inventing impieties, each of which was bruited about in certain circles as 'Nan's last; and if you happened to meet him anywhere between the United Service Club and Spring Gardens, completely self-absorbed, his face brimming over with laughter, you might be sure he was just putting on a finishing touch.

"You know well enough, Gobinet, that Celeste is my real name." "Yes; but it's fancied a nickname when one looks in your face." "Gobinet, I will put that down to your account." "And Oscar will help you to add it up, eh?" "Yes; and you shall see the total. When I carry one, the remainder will not be you." "Celeste, you make me cry!

I feel as if I had been lying here for years and years. I believe I have grown grey myself. Give me a hand-glass, Whitey, and let me see how I look." Whitey walked obediently across the room, and brought back the silver- backed glass from the dressing-table. She was accustomed to her nickname by this time, and was indeed rather proud of it than otherwise.

Three times the number of workpeople were taken on, and everything was started in a new way, with an outlay unheard of in these parts. Certain ruin was foretold. But "the tramp" for his nickname had stuck to him was as merry as ever, and seemed to have infected Astrid with his humour. The quiet, gentle girl became the lively, buxom wife. Her parents were satisfied.

It required more than common courage, justice, and humanity, to withstand the wild demand for mere indiscriminating revenge which these things called forth. Happily those highest in power did possess these rare qualities. Lord Canning earned for himself the nickname of "Clemency Canning" by his perfect resoluteness to hold the balance of justice even, and unweighted by the mad passion of the hour.

Moreover, her nickname suggests the more ancient practice, and it is wiser to yield the credit to Simon Fletcher, whose praises are chanted by the early historians.

This incident gave rise to an irrational indignation in the colony, and for a while he himself was designated by the ungenerous nickname of 'Don't fire Durnford. It is alleged, none can know with what amount of truth, that it was the memory of this undeserved insult which caused Colonel Durnford to insist upon advancing the troops under his command to engage the Zulus in the open, instead of withdrawing them to await attack in the comparative safety of a 'laager.

"Cadet Higgins is a friend of mine. He carries the nickname of 'The Brain. Has the highest I.Q. in the Academy." "Good. I'm glad you know him, because this is going to be a rough trip. We got off to a bad start, but it's all over now. So forget it. And before I go, I want you to know this. In my personal opinion, Manning had nothing to do with the crash.