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Condé, whose natural pride was still further exalted by the flattery of the young nobles who formed his train, and who obtained the nickname of petits maîtres, only used the influence which his position gave him to wring from Mazarin the places and good things at his disposal, and of these he and his adherents showed themselves insatiable.

The court agreed that the speaker had put in a very strong case; but justice required that the other two should also be heard. The third claimant was indeed burning with impatience for his turn, and as soon as he had permission, he thus spoke: Story of the Third Brahman. My name was originally Anantya; now all the world call me Betel Anantya, and I will tell you how this nickname arose.

It was merely a nickname which we gave him in camp; but it stuck to him with such bur-like tenacity, and is so inseparable from my memory of him, that I do not think I could write definitely of John Bladburn if I were to call him anything but "Quite So." It was one night shortly after the first battle of Bull Run.

Where his nickname of Snap had originated it would be hard to say, although he was as full of snap and ginger as a shad is full of bones. Sheppard Reed, always called Shep for short, was the son of a well-known physician, a boy who loved outdoor life, and one who was as strong as he was handsome.

When young folks have not had a chance to do these things, and the motive for them lies dormant, heaven alone knows how or when it will break loose." Others, however, have observed, and the "Bug Hunters" has now come to be the local nickname of these two most respectable middle-aged people with ancestors.

Robert Fleming tells us that the profane rabble of that time gave the nickname of the Stewarton sickness to that 'extraordinary outletting of the Spirit' that was experienced in those days over the whole of the west of Scotland, but which fell in perfect Pentecostal power on both sides of the Stewarton Water.

"But," interrupted Gorgias, "no one, not even your hostess Berenike and her brother, must know your destination. You look as if you could keep a secret, woman." "Though she owes her nickname Aisopion to her nimble tongue," replied Dion. "But this tongue is like the little silver fish with scarlet spots in the palace garden," said Anukis.

And the name stuck. No regimental penalties could break Wee Willie Winkie of this habit. He lost his good-conduct badge for christening the Commissioner's wife 'Pobs'; but nothing that the Colonel could do made the Station forego the nickname, and Mrs. Collen remained 'Pobs' till the end of her stay. So Brandis was christened 'Coppy, and rose, therefore, in the estimation of the regiment.

From his Herculean frame and great powers of limb he had received the nickname of BROM BONES, by which he was universally known. He was famed for great knowledge and skill in horsemanship, being as dexterous on horseback as a Tartar.

After somewhat too obvious a consideration, Queed consented. Sharlee thanked him. "I'll put my address down on the back of that paper, shall I? And I think I'll put my name, too, for I don't believe you have the faintest idea what it is." "Oh, yes. The name is Miss Charlie Weyland. It appears that you were named after a boy?" "Oh, it's only a silly nickname. Here's your little directory back.