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About four o'clock of that same day Violet entered the private parlor of her friend, Nellie Bailey, her face glowing, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "Oh, you dear child!" cried that young lady, leaping to her feet and springing forward to meet her visitor, "you have come to tell me that you are going to Europe with me."

I have three big brothers, and a little one; two sisters older than myself; a cross papa and proud step-mamma. We live about a mile from here No. 3 Victoria Square and I go home to dinner every day during recess." Having delivered this wonderful announcement in one breath, Winnie paused and waited for her companion to speak. Nellie smiled as she replied,

Flynn came in and stood in a curious, non-committal attitude. "A strike!" repeated Robert, vaguely. "What for?" It seemed incredible that he should ask, but he did. The calm masterfulness of his uncle, which could not even imagine opposition, had apparently descended upon him. Both foremen stared at him. Nellie Stone smiled a little covertly.

"But your husband told me the other day that when you and he were in Geneva a couple of years ago, the view of Mont Blanc used to er upset you." "View of Mont Blanc?" Nellie stammered. Everybody was aware that she and Denry had never been in Switzerland before, and that their marriage was indeed less than a month old. "You misunderstood me," said Denry, gruffly. "My wife hasn't been to Geneva."

But let us get along as fast as we can, or Nellie will be in a fine state of anxiety about us," Katherine replied. Then, gathering the lines of the sledge round her arms, as her father had taught her, she set out at a good pace, followed by Miles and the dogs.

"Why, what do you mean?" came from both of the Rovers. "Oh, Grace, perhaps you had better not tell them," cried Nellie, with almost a sob. "Nellie!" And now Tom caught the girl tightly in his arms. "What has happened?" "I I can't tell!" sobbed the girl. "Grace will tell you."

There was something wonderful in the way Parson Brush kept control of himself. Externally he was as calm as when standing in front of the adamantine blackboard, giving instruction to Nellie Dawson, while down deep in his heart, raged a tempest such as rouses into life the darkest passions that can nerve a man to wrong doing.

Pawnee Brown mused for a moment. "I'll risk it," he said, half aloud. "They can't arrest me for coming to expose a criminal, and I have the facts right here in my pocket." A moment later he was riding the horse Yellow Elk had stolen, while Nellie was seated upon Bonnie Bird. In this manner they struck out for the agency, called by the soldiers a fort.

She kept her usually busy tongue silent till the three were seated in the snug parlour, when, under the influence of Miss Latimer's simple, homely manner, she began, as Nellie expressed it, to thaw, and the fountain once set free produced a play of bright, sparkling conversation.

Nellie had a perfect passion for ghost and witch stories, saying though that "she never liked to have them explained she'd rather they'd be left in solemn mystery;" so when I told her of the "old mine" and the "haunted house" she immediately expressed a desire to see them.