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"Janet! tell me! my mother." "Save us lassie! I had no mind of you. Bide still, Miss Graeme. You munna go there," for Graeme with her little sister in her arms was hastening away. "Your mamma's no waur than she's been afore. It's only me that doesna ken about the like o' you. The minister keeps up a gude heart. Gude forgie him and a' mankind."

If he'd yeerd yo just now but, by t' Lord's blessin, he did na he'd ha worked himsel up fearfu'! I'd ha had naw sleep wi him for neets like it wor i' th' spring. Yo munna yo munna! He's all I ha his livin 's my livin, Davy an when he's took away why, I'll mak shift soomhow to dee too!

'No, it inna, Mrs. Marston. It's drodsome. 'If I could start very early, Mrs. Marston went on, 'please God I'd go with you. For you always go while Edward is visiting, and it's lonely for you. Hazel fled down the batch that morning, and back up a shadowed ride to Reddin. 'You munna come never no more, Mr. Reddin! she cried. 'The old lady's coming to-morrow-day, her says. Reddin swore.

Coom hither, lad till Ay shew thee hoo to guide 'em; thou munna tooch t' bits for the loife o' thee, but joost stan' there anent them if they stir loike, joost speak to 'em Ayse hear thee!" and he left his charge and entered the small parlor, where the three friends were now assembled, with a cheroot apiece already lighted, and three tall brimming rummers on the table.

It's aye the same 'Me and ma Wullie, and 'Wullie and me, as if I never put ma hand to a stroke! Ugh!" he made a gesture of passionate disgust "the two on 'em fair madden me. I could strike the one and throttle t'other," and he rattled his heels angrily together. "Hush, David," interposed the girl; "yo' munna speak so o' your dad; it's agin the commandments."

"Say yer prayers, lass; I can't help ye," says the old woman darkly. "If ye gaa wi' the people, ye'll never come back. Ye munna talk wi' them, nor eat wi' them, nor drink wi' them, nor tak a pin's-worth by way o' gift fra them mark weel what I say or ye're lost!" The girl looked down, plainly much vexed. The old woman stared at her with a mysterious frown steadily, for a few seconds.

"Ye munna gaw doon to t' sea be yersell," Mistress Anerley said to her daughter; "happen ye mought be one too many." But family cares and farm-house life had partly cured her of her education, and from troubles of distant speech she had returned to the ease of her native dialect. "And if I go not to the sea by myself," asked Mary, with natural logic, "why, who is there now to go with me?"

An' I said, sir, as he munna think as loving him made me sad, fur I was a big sight happier to love him, if he forgets or if he comes again. 'Will you live here; Jen, where the neighbours distrust you? 'It 'ud just be the same any other place, sir, an' here I can work i' the fields, spring and harvest, an' earn my own bread.

'Aye, it's aw play to yo, she said, trembling all through in her passion, as she held the boy 'it's aw play to yo and your minx of a sister. An if it means deein to the old man hissel, yo don't care! "Margaret," says the doctor to me last week, "if you can keep his mind quiet he may hang on a bit. But you munna let him excite hissel about owt he mun tak things varra easy.

It had been a tender and nourishing chicken; the hours she had spent in gnawing through her rope had been well repaid. 'Oh! you darlin' wicked little thing! wailed Hazel. 'You munna do it, Foxy, or he'll drown you dead. What for did you do it, Foxy, my dear? Foxy's eyes became more eloquent and more liquid. 'You gallus little blessed! said Hazel again. 'Eh!