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She had remembered his voice and his look when he said something about honor and dishonor, and about working for her till he dropped. Noble and splendid love had spoken in that such love as few women are lucky enough to get. Oh, surely if he loved her like that, he could not leave off loving her altogether, and never, never, want his Mav again. Sadness and desolation overcame her.

He had insisted on ordering the wine, and in making Mav take her share of it, although she vowed that the unaccustomed stimulant would fly to her head. "Rot, old girl. You dip your beak in it it's mostly froth and fizz, and no more strength than the lager beer, as far as I can make out." "How much does it cost?" "Shan't tell.

"Yes, but, Will dear you, you won't be hasty when you get before them." Dale frowned, then laughed. "Mav, trust your old boy, and don't fret." He came round the table, and laid his hand on his wife's shoulder. "My sweetheart, I'm sorry, for your sake, that this little upset should have occurred. But don't you fret. I'm coming out on top. Maybe, this is like touch-and-go. I don't say it isn't.

And she asked him all sorts of questions about his health, begging him to consult a doctor without a day's delay. "Only a bit tired, Mav and that's what I never used to feel." "No, you never did. And I don't at all understand it." "It's quite natural, my dear." "Not natural to you." Then he took her hand, pressed it affectionately, and laughed in his old jolly way.

The words came in feeble entreaty, between weak sobs. "Be kind to me my husband not only now but always." She sobbed and shivered; and he, holding her in his arms, soothed her with gentle murmurs. "My pretty Mav! My poor little bird. Go to sleepy-by, then. Tuck her up, and send her to sleep, a dear little Mav."

Then they sat side by side on the narrow little bed, he with his arm firmly clasped round her waist, and she nestling against him with her face hidden on his breast. "Mav, my bird, I can't never leave you again. I've bin just a lost dog without you. Did you start before you got my Sunday letter?" "Yes." "Every day I wrote didn't I? just like the old time.

"And I thank you for it, sir," said Dale. "And now " He mastered his emotions and was calm and polite again, as became a host. "Now, what about two or three whiffs?" "If madam permits." "Mav don't mind. She's smoke-dried." All three remained sitting at the table.

"Please say 'Report true. Mr. Barradine killed by fall from his horse yesterday. And sign it 'Mavis. No, sign it 'Mav." "Mav! Ma-v!" Mr. Ridgett looked round, smiling. "That's hubby's pet name for you, isn't it? Upon my word, you two are a pair of love-birds.... There, off it goes. Good night, Mrs. Dale. I'm truly sorry that you've been deprived of such a friend."

"You know," he said presently, "in spite of all my bounce, I was a shy man. "It's the fact, Mav. And my shyness came between me and others. I couldn't take them sufficiently free. I wanted all the overtures to come from them, and I was too ready to draw in my horns if they didn't seem to accept me straight at what I judged my own value.

It was not a matter that one could boast about to anybody except one's self; but he wondered if Mr. Ridgett, or several other customers who might remain nameless, could say as much. Thanks to Mav! Yes, he ought always let himself be guided by her. And then, by a natural transition of ideas, he thought of that other great instinct of untutored man the fighting instinct.