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He sprang down the steps, furled the umbrella, seized her by the arm and led her into the house, through the parlor and into the sitting room, where the fire crackled invitingly. He could feel that the dress sleeve under his hand was wet through, and the worn boots and darned stockings he could see were soaked likewise. "There!" he cried. "Set down in that chair. Put your feet up on that h'ath.

The women caught him staring at them, and one, who was the youngest and prettiest of the lot, smiled invitingly. "Tush the Jezebel!" snapped Obadiah, catching the look. "That's her child playing just beyond." The young woman tossed her head and her white teeth gleamed in a laugh, as though she had overheard the old councilor's words.

She lingered on the pavement for a moment in indecision, then came slowly forward and paused at the running board, peering upward into Joe's face. "Take me for a ride?" she lisped, tremulously eager. "Sure," said Joe. "I'm selling 'em." He held the door open invitingly. "Maybe you'll buy one some day."

And then the naughty thought came into her head that, as Epimetheus would believe that she had looked into the box, she might just as well have a little peep. She looked at the face with the wreath, and it seemed to smile at her invitingly, as much as to say: "Do not be afraid, what harm can there possibly be in raising the lid for a moment?"

Many a pretty girl had looked Patsy's way invitingly, seeing in him a steady, sober boy who might be trusted not to spend his wages in drink, whose dreamy eyes and soft slow voice promised gentleness with a woman; but Patsy never thought of the girls apparently.

Dropping her tray into the nearest chair, Cicely made a snatch at Melchisedek as he shot past her. He eluded her, and, happy that at last he was to have a companion in his sport, he took refuge under Mr. Gilwyn's chair where he mounted guard over his plaything and snarled invitingly whenever Cicely tried to seize him.

So near was this edge to the lake that I increased the stream by deepening its bed with my foot; but I repented of this waste, and restored the block, because the approaching summer must be thought for, and this natural reservoir was by no means deep. I waded into the pleasantly and invitingly cool water, but had promptly to retreat from swarms of leeches which attacked my feet.

Her way led past the door of the doctor's office, which was standing invitingly open. Three or four girls were sitting around the room, laughing and talking and waiting their turns. Patty glanced in, and a radiant smile suddenly lightened her face, but it was instantly replaced by a look of settled sadness. She walked in and dropped into an arm-chair with a sigh. "What's the matter, Patty?

I had, with the aid of the house-maid, divested myself of my wet overshoes and wrappings before the advent of my companion, and had already ensconced myself in a deep Spanish chair, that stood invitingly and with extended arms in one corner of the fireplace, when he advanced to place himself on the rug for a general roasting. It was precisely twenty minutes past ten, Mr.

Thus would amiability be especially restored in her quarter, and poor, persecuted Arethusa might have a little while in which to attain some degree of calmness once more. So Miss Asenath patted the place at her side invitingly.