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The petrified little group turned its glance of inquisitive horror upon Mrs. von Karlstadt, while the mine owner's daughter adjusted the necessary introductions with a grand air. Should she go or not? No one was to be found who would offer her his arm. Her feet were paralysed. And she remained. The company sat down at table.

I may look forward to being the wife of a poor Professor, who shows experiments to stupid lads in a school. And the friends in Paris, who, to my certain knowledge, are now waiting to give him introductions to the Imperial Court itself, may transfer their services to some other man. "No words can tell you what I feel at this complete collapse of all my hopes and plans.

On the following day the two sisters, dressed in their best, and hanging on their father's arms, paraded up and down the village streets until they espied the object of their search. Introductions naturally followed; but, much to the chagrin of the girls, their father, after chatting for a moment with handsome Mr. Gardiner, dragged them along.

The late Sir Charles Hallé, probably retailing a story he had heard, relates in his reminiscences that when Heine heard of a young German musician coming from Russia to Paris to try his luck with an empty pocket, a half-finished opera and a few introductions from Meyerbeer amongst them one to a bankrupt theatre he clasped his hands and raised his eyes to heaven, in silent adoration before such unbounded and naïve self-confidence; and probably he had not then learnt the whole truth of the matter.

After she had told me this, and I had promised to help her with introductions exactly why or how I forget but I asked her flat out if she was in love with Morris. Thereon I assure you, my dear Mary, it was the most painful scene in all my long experience the poor thing turned white as a sheet, and would have fallen if I had not caught hold of her.

"Lieutenant Papen," he said, introducing Jack; "and Lieutenant Bohring," indicating Frank. The three acknowledged the introductions and then Lord Hastings continued: "I suppose you are wondering how I come to be in command of the U-16?" "I am, sir," was the reply. "And also," continued Lord Hastings with a smile, "you are no doubt wondering just who I am anyway?"

After the preceptorial letters cease the others are concerned with domestic events, health and sickness, visits or introductions, birth or death. Thus the empperor writes to his old friend, who had shown some diffidence in seeking an interview: 'To MY MASTER.

For consider, first, the difference produced in the whole tone of landscape colour by the introductions of purple, violet, and deep ultramarine blue, which we owe to mountains.

Grieve, said Lady Driffield's impassive voice, speaking, as it seemed to Lucy, from a great height, as the tall figure swept past her to introductions more important.

If there is no maid she should attend to it herself and in any case she should keep her own things in place and watch carefully to see that the room is at all times exquisitely neat. At eight o'clock, or a little later if it is more convenient, all the guests meet in evening dress at dinner. It is then that the necessary introductions are made and the guest of honor, if there is one, is presented.