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Dillenback, by my order, brought forward the two remaining batteries of his battalion and put them in position at El Pozo, to the left of Grimes.

Now, as Bellew watched, he saw Anthea's lips move, but no sound came. Miss Priscilla saw also, and catching the nerveless hand, drew it to her bosom, and wept over it. "Come! come!" expostulated Grimes, jingling the money in his pockets. "Come, come, Miss Anthea, mam! all as I'm axing you is when? All as I want you to do is "

"Grimes," the Vicar said, "I'm not quite sure that I like this." "Well, sir; no, sir. I was thinking myself, sir, that maybe you might take it unkind in the Marquis." "I think I shall write to him. Perhaps you wouldn't mind giving over for a day or two." Grimes yielded at once, and took his spade and measurements away, although Mr. Puddleham fretted a good deal. Mr.

Sid Waters, as president, was sitting in the go-cart, his head ornamented with a huge smothering three-cornered hat, made out of a New York daily. Rick Grimes, as governor, was walking behind the go-cart, now and then giving the "chariot" an obsequious push, but impatiently awaiting his turn for a ride.

It consisted of Jasper Very, John Larkin, Ezra Thompson, the old, grizzled preacher, Nathaniel Grimes, a smart minister who formerly had been a lawyer, Costello Nebeker, and his wife. Jasper Very read Viola LeMonde's note to the group, and striking was the effect it produced.

The moon shone so bright that Tom could see every feature; and, as he saw, he recollected, bit by bit, it was his old master, Grimes. Tom turned tail, and swam away as fast as he could. "Oh dear me!" he thought, "now he will turn into a water-baby. What a nasty troublesome one he will be! And perhaps he will find me out, and beat me again."

In this department, indeed, in the department of elegant light literature generally, Mr. Grimes was ably assisted by his eldest daughter, Lucy, a young lady of a certain age say liberal thirty an ardent Bloomer with a considerable taste for sentimental poetry, with which she generally filled the poet's corner.

"Here he is, sir," was the report a couple of minutes later. "Ask him if he has three American boys on a special mission." The answer came back promptly that he had. "Ask him if Lieut. Grimes is missing." Again came back the answer that he was. "Tell the general that we have one of the lads on the Arkansas, and that he has had a strange adventure. Tell him I will send the lad ashore immediately."

"What do you suppose the game is?" "I don't know; but we'll find out. I've been in tighter places than this but no hotter," after a pause. "Have you tried to get out?" "Yes; but it was too hot work. The door seemed pretty strong." "Perhaps the two of us might force it," suggested Grimes. "I'm a pretty husky chap." "We might try," replied Donald. "The place is so narrow we can get a good brace."

And there Grimes stopped, and looked; and Tom looked too. Tom was wondering whether anything lived in that dark cave, and came out at night to fly in the meadows. But Grimes was not wondering at all. Without a word, he got off his donkey, and clambered over the low road wall, and knelt down, and began dipping his ugly head into the spring and very dirty he made it.