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'Twasn't for cleanliness I did it, but for coolness. I'd be ashamed to want washing every week or so, like any smutty collier lad." "I wish I might go and dip my head in," said poor little Tom. "It must be as good as putting it under the town-pump; and there is no beadle here to drive a chap away." "Thou come along," said Grimes; "what dost want with washing thyself?

Anybody'd go and get hisself elected if we was to let the game go by!" And so, that the game might not go by, Mr Grimes was now present in Mr George Vavasor's rooms. "Well Mr Grimes," said George, "how are you this morning? Sit down, Mr Grimes. If every man were as punctual as you are, the world would go like clock-work; wouldn't it?"

But as time rolled on, as her innocence became the popular belief, she finally relented, accepted his hand, and beneath the beautiful sky of Italy, forgot, or remembered only as a dream, the perils and sorrows of her early life. Philetus Potts is dead. Like Grimes, he was a "good old man!"

In addition to the well-known names already mentioned, there now appeared the kindly, shrewd Abraham Lincoln, of Kentucky and Illinois; J. W. Grimes arose in Iowa to threaten a Democratic machine which had never known defeat; Zachary Chandler, of Michigan, was making ready the stroke which was to unhorse the great and popular Cass; and Benjamin F. Wade, of Ohio, joined Chase and Giddings, thus making up the trio which was to rule that State for years to come.

Grimes is coming to-night, you know an' we must find the money in time. Where shall we look first?" "Well, I guess the orchard will do to start with." "Then let's go now." "But we shall need a couple of spades, Shipmate." "Oh! must we dig?" "Yes, I fancy that's a er digging moon, my Porges, from the look of it.

Brewster stated slowly. "From what I overheard, he paid Grimes to let him inside the house." Kent looked perplexed as he gazed first at the widow and then at Helen, who had sunk back in her chair. "Mrs. Brewster," he began after a pause. "Who gave Jimmie your aconitine pills which Grimes left on the hall table?" "The murderer." "Yes, of course."

The author of 'Old Grimes is Dead' commenced it, more than fifty years ago; then the cluster was pass'd on and accumulated by C. F. Harris; then further pass'd on and added to by the late Senator Anthony, from whom the whole collection has been bequeath'd to Brown University. At any rate it has led me to some abstract reflection like the following.

I have heard Grimes' edition of the affair yesterday. Will you please give me your version of the accident? Of course, it was an accident?" "Oh, yes, sir! Although that man ought not to have made her climb that tree " Mr. Hammond put up a warning hand, and smiled again. "I do not ask you for an opinion. Just for an account of what actually happened." "But you intimated that perhaps Mr.

I found this paragraph, which follows. Written by whom? Wm. C. Grimes: "After we were in the saddle, we rode down to the spring to have a last look at the women of Nazareth, who were, as a class, much the prettiest that we had seen in the East. As we approached the crowd a tall girl of nineteen advanced toward Miriam and offered her a cup of water. Her movement was graceful and queenly.

The sense of pain that attended this was always most acute, for it was accompanied by deep humiliation and a feeling of helplessness. Moreover, during these first three months, Mr. and Mrs. Grimes had left the house without paying their board for five weeks, thus throwing her into a loss of forty dollars. At the beginning of this experiment, after completing the furniture of her house, Mrs.