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He was absolutely certain that her death would be demanded so certain that when he looked up from the telegram and saw Pir Khan breathless in the doorway, he laughed aloud. 'And? said he, 'When there is a cry in the night and the spirit flutters into the throat, who has a charm that will restore? Come swiftly, Heaven-born! It is the black cholera. Holden galloped to his home.

The three black balls are "broken out," the long pendant uncurls itself at the main, the red cross of St. George flutters at the fore, and the pure white ensign of the Confederacy, with its starry blue cross upon the red ground of the corner, floats gracefully from the peak, as the little band breaks into the dashing strains of "Dixie," and three ringing cheers peal out over the sparkling sea.

Of what were their thoughts of home and friends, of the flutters of the casino or the ecstasies of the bull-ring? If they were looking for the Spanish fleet they did not see it, for a reason as old as the "Critic." It was not in sight.

"They scrambled 'round like they was beetles an' you'd took up the stone. They was all up in a minute, an' stopped cryin', too. With that he catches my handkerchief out o' my hand an' flutters it over his head an' runs to the middle o' the room. "'Come on! he says. 'Hold o' hands every one o' you hold o' hands. I'm goin' to drop the handkerchief, an' you'd better hurry up.

The eye wanders delighted down long vistas and over sunlit glades. It is caught by the flashing of gaudy plumage, the golden green of the paroquet, the blue of the jay, and the orange wing of the oriole. The red-bird flutters lower down in the coppice of green pawpaws, or amidst the amber leaflets of the beechen thicket.

The fair equestrian turned away her head at these words; the nobleman watched her a moment, and dropped some coins into the timbrel. "Ha, ha!" cried the tymbestere, pointing her long arm to Sibyll, and springing towards the balcony, "The cushat would mate Above her state, And she flutters her wings round the falcon's beak; But death to the dove Is the falcon's love!

"But, my dears, we are in the secret." "How did she behave?" whispered Lady Busshe. "No high flights and flutters, I do hope. She was well-connected, they say; though I don't comprehend what they mean by a line of scholars one thinks of a row of pinafores: and she was pretty." "That is well enough at the start. It never will stand against brains.

The gilded Buddha smiles eternally at the night-lamps burning before him; some great moth, a constant frequenter of the house, which during the day sleeps clinging to our ceiling, flutters at this hour under the very nose of the god, turning and flitting round the thin, quivering flames.

There are two Species of Loons. 1st the Speckled loon found on every part of the rivers of this quarter, they are the Same Size Colour and form with those of the Ohio, and atlantic coasts. the 2d Species we first met with at the great falls of the Columbia and from thence down. this bird is not more than half the Size of the Speckled loon, it's neck is long, Slender and white in front. the colour of the body and back of the neck and head are of a dun or ash Colour, the breast and belly are white. the back is like that of the Speckled loon, and like them it cannot fly, but flutters along on the top of the water or Dives for Security when pursued.

The fringe of yellow-brown seaweed flutters, and out pushes an opal-shelled crab "Oh, a huge crab," Jacob murmured and begins his journey on weakly legs on the sandy bottom. Now! Jacob plunged his hand. The crab was cool and very light.