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Mamsie " and he turned a troubled face to her "do you suppose God's going to let good Mr. Blodgett's barn burn up?" "No," said Mrs. Pepper, "I don't b'lieve God had anything to do with it, Davie. Like enough it's some man been in there with a pipe, but we'll hope the fire'll be put out. And don't you be troubled; God wouldn't let any one be hurt, least of all a good man like Deacon Blodgett."

"It's a witch turned into a man!" cried a drunken woman from her window. "Give him the wheel of fire at the blacksmith's forge." "That's it! Gad'rabotin the wheel of fire'll turn him back to a hag again!" The little gentleman protested, but they seized him and dragged him from the steps.

Sanders seized an arm and together they managed to get the unconscious victim to the tunnel. Dave was the last man in. He learned from the men in the rear that the tunnel had no drift. The floor was moist and there was a small seepage spring in it near the entrance. Some of the men protested at staying. "The fire'll lick in and burn us out like rats," one man urged. "This ain't no protection.

Each time the ranger paused for a moment to advise him. "You ought to throw your line farther back," he told Bob. "See that 'dead-and-down' ahead? If you let that cross your fire line, it'll carry the fire sooner or later, sure; and if you curve your line too quick to go around it, the fire'll jump. You want to keep your eye out 'way ahead."

When the ceremony was over the contractor shook hands with her approvingly. "That's as good a place as any for a deed of sale in this here town," he remarked. "For no shake will ever budge them concrete pillars. They're down to bed-rock. And no fire'll ever crack them, neither. We'll begin on the steel frame to-morrow, and you must come down occasionally and cheer us up. It'll be worth it.

"The local'll be along in about half an hour," said the little girl, speaking for the first time since their dread discovery. "Do you think the fire'll hurt it?" The biggest brother laughed uneasily. "No," he replied, "it'll go right through the fire; but the cattle'll pitch it off the track if they get in front of it."

"It's a witch turned into a man!" cried a drunken woman from her window. "Give him the wheel of fire at the blacksmith's forge." "That's it! Gad'rabotin the wheel of fire'll turn him back to a hag again!" The little gentleman protested, but they seized him and dragged him from the steps.

"Well, you are making a precious litter!" said the lady, turning short upon him. "Never mind," said he, in the same tone "it's nothing but what the fire'll burn up, anyhow; don't worry yourself about it." Just as Ellen came in, so did Nancy by the other door. "What are you here for?" said Miss, Fortune with an ireful face.

And if you're right careful to see that the tool-boxes the boys leave are all locked so's no powder can catch, you know and always start lighting against the air, so that if there's gas and it catches the fire'll blow away from you instead of following you up and if you examine the fuses to see they're long enough and the powder is tamped in just right each miner does that before he leaves and lots of firers just give 'em a hasty once-over instead of a real look and then shake your heels good and fast after you do fire "

If we go ahead the fire'll bust the ammunition, and send us all sky-huntin'. If we stop here them rebels 'll git us, sure." "Go a'ead, Habe," growled Wat, after a moment's thought. "We can't 'elp you, but we'll stay wi' you. Hif she busts, she busts, hand that's hall there'll be hof hit hor hof us.