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As the barrel had been lately filled there was plenty in it, still, and it was flowing merrily, while a pool of kerosene lay over the board floor. "Goodness gracious me! How shall I ever get in there to turn it off?" cried Eunice. "I can't step in it?" "Let Zaidee do it. She's soaking already with it. Zaidee, come here, directly, and turn this kerosene off."

Goodward who answered him and she whom he met in the white, marble tessellated tea-room, explaining that Eunice had had some shopping to do they were really leaving on Saturday and Mr. Weatheral was to order tea without waiting. They had time, however, for the tea to be drunk and for Mrs.

"Come here, Zaidee, if you wish to join the procession," and Eunice caught her small sister, and rubbed her hands vigorously over her short, soft, straight hair, till it fairly stood on end. Helen's hair curled like Cricket's, in a golden, fluffy mass. "Now, we're all ready. We must march up before the shrine, and lay our sacrifices at the feet of the idol, and bow down before it."

They had been riding for an hour or more, laughing and singing, and shouting sometimes, since there was no one to be disturbed, when suddenly one wheel went over a big stone, which Cricket, in glancing back to see if Billy were in sight, did not notice and turn out for. "Look out, Cricket!" warned Eunice, but too late.

We women are above such considerations, but trifling discomforts are more trying to a man's temper than more serious offences, and they are apt to become impatient and irritable." "They are! They are! You should just hear father when " interrupted Eunice eagerly, but Peggy silenced her with a wave of the hand.

There is also the testimony of Goodwife Perkins, that she did see, on the Lord's day, while Mr. Dalton was preaching, an imp in the shape of a mouse, fall out the bosom of Eunice Cole down into her lap. For all which, the County Court, held at Salisbury, did order her to be sent to the Boston Jail, to await her trial at the Court of Assistants.

For despite her personal vexation with Eunice she was loyal to her, and felt that she had but to say "Bosh!" in her most emphatic way to any rumor repeated in order to dispose of it. Mistaken woman! As well try to stem the ocean's flood as to silence a secret once betrayed!

She sat upright, tensely quiet, and thought over all Fifi had said all she had threatened. "It would have been far better," Eunice told herself, "for my cause if I had held her friendship. And I could have done it, easily but Fifi's friendship would be worse than her enmity!" When Mason Elliott came, Detective Driscoll was with him.

With the exception of what Eunice had said, these were the first words of sympathy Ethelyn had heard, and her tears flowed at once, while her slight form shook with such a tempest of sobs that Andy was alarmed, and getting down on his knees beside her, begged of her to tell him what was the matter.

He was answered almost the moment he spoke; but it was by other tongues and in another world than this. As his body fell forward, I tore open the door before which he had been standing, and, lifting the almost fainting Eunice in my arms, I carried her out into the night. As I did so, I caught a final glimpse of the pictured face I had found it so hard to understand a couple of hours before.