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Saying this, he turned to go. "When shall I see you again?" asked Ibarra. "Whenever you wish and always when I can be of service to you. I am still your debtor." The Dinner There in the decorated kiosk the great men of the province were dining. The alcalde occupied one end of the table and Ibarra the other. At the young man's right sat Maria Clara and at his left the escribano.

DON EDUARDO. ¿Quién dice que el dinero no sirve alguna vez de algo? pero no muy a menudo ... y si uno va a considerar todos sus inconvenientes ¿crees que ... no son éstas que dan las nueve? ¡Cáspita y qué tarde!... Con esto y con que haya salido ya mi escribano, nos quedemos también sin comer.... Adiós vida mía, abrázame. DOÑA MATILDE. Anda con Dios.

"I would with great pleasure," answered the latter, "but that would be usurping the honorable duty of the escribano. The escribano must make affidavit of the act." So the escribano gravely took the box, descended the carpeted stairway leading to the bottom of the excavation and with due solemnity placed it in the hole in the stone.

The little man scarcely condescended to take any notice of us when we saluted him, but sat bolt upright, positively bursting with suppressed dignity, and the escribano inquired in a loud voice what our business was. We told him we wanted guides to the cave, which he knew as well as we did; but instead of answering, he began to talk to the Alcalde.

I have also seen a great number of the best people of Cavite and Pampanga, many wealthy persons from Manila, and many bands of music, among these the very artistic one of Pagsanhan belonging to the escribano, Don Miguel Guevara, swarms of Chinamen and Indians, who, with the curiosity of the former and the piety of the latter, awaited anxiously the day on which was to be celebrated the comic-mimic-lyric-lightning-change-dramatic spectacle, for which a large and spacious theater had been erected in the middle of the plaza.

An old beau is marrying a young and beautiful girl. With affected grace and a skipping minuet step, holding a modish three-cornered hat under his arm, he approaches the table to put his signature in the place which the escribano points out with an obsequious bow.

In less than an hour Mr Williams arrived and I told him my story, whereupon he instantly departed in order to demand redress of the Authorities. The door was opened by my Moorish Servant, Hayim Ben-Attar, whom he commanded instantly to show the way to my apartments. The Escribano, however, cautioned him against doing so, and he flung it down.

"Don't let this stop the fiesta, Señor Ibarra," said the alcalde. "Praise God, the dead man is neither a priest nor a Spaniard! We must rejoice over your escape! Think if the stone had caught you!" "There are presentiments, there are presentiments!" exclaimed the escribano. "I've said so before! Señor Ibarra didn't go down willingly. I saw it!" "The dead man is only an Indian!"

"Rather?" exclaimed the alferez. "He must be exhausted, and as they say here, all fagged out. What a sermon it was!" "A splendid sermon wonderful!" said the escribano. "Magnificent profound!" added the correspondent. "To be able to talk so much, it's necessary to have the lungs that he has," observed Padre Manuel Martin. The Augustinian did not concede him anything more than lungs.

In a hut of canes, the Alcalde, a little lame Indian, was sitting on a mat spread on the ground in the middle, with his escribano or secretary at his left hand. Other Indians were standing outside at the door.