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Some of the best men I ever met were English, and I've stood back to back with a British mate on a Genoa wharf when half of Italy was hoppin' around makin' proclamations that they was goin' to swallow us alive. And, somehow or 'nother, they didn't. Took with prophetic indigestion, maybe. "However, this Englishman at Acapulco was diff'rent.

Susan threw a quick look into Keith's averted face, then promptly she reached for the folded paper in her apron pocket. There were times when Susan was wise beyond her station as to when the subject should be changed. "An' now I'm goin' to read you the poem I did write," she announced briskly "about every-day folks diff'rent kinds of folks. Six of 'em.

He wriggled 'round in his chair, an' looked ten diff'rent ways fer Sunday. "'What do you say? I says, lookin' square at him, ''ll you make it a couple a hunderd? "'Wa'al, he says, 'I guess I couldn't go 's fur 's that, an' I wouldn't like to head the list anyway. "'All right, I says, 'I'll head it. Will you say one-fifty? "'No, he says, pullin' his whiskers, 'I guess not.

He sang my composition to a hymn tune. The refrain went: Come and buy a C.C.Pee-ee! If you want immunitee-ee From the accidents which come Please plank down your premium. Life is diff'rent, you'll agree Repeat When you've got a C.C.P. The Throne Room of the Holborn fairly rocked with applause. Well, it was shortly afterwards that I had received a visit from Mr.

They watched for him goin' to work and they watched for him comin' from work. He'd dodge 'em and go and come diff'rent ways. But they'd lay for him here and there, with schooners of beer in their hands. Next thing, he was drunk. The cops didn't catch him that time. But the pledge bein' broke, look like he give up heart. He kept on with the drink, and lost his job. Then the policeman nabbed him."

You can't expect elegant feedin' at a hog trough. Now it's kind o' diff'rent wi' me. "Oh, quit," cried the sharp voice of the exasperated Abe Allinson. And there was no doubt but he was speaking for the rest of the audience. Pete followed him in a tone of equal resentment. "That ain't no sort o' way ad dressin' a leddy," he said angrily. "Course it ain't," sneered Beasley.

Gettin' the can tied to him was always Skeet's specialty. No mystery about that, either; for of all the useless specimens that ever grafted cigarettes he was about the limit. All he lacks is pep and bean and a few other trifles. You wouldn't exactly call him ornamental, either. No, him and that Apolloniris guy was quite diff'rent in their front and side elevation.

"If we could only sit down a while, we could stand it better," said Trot, "but we have nothing to sit on." "Then you will have to stand it," said the Lonesome Duck. "P'raps you've enough magic to give us a couple of stools," suggested Cap'n Bill. "A duck isn't supposed to know what stools are," was the reply. "But you're diff'rent from all other ducks." "That is true."

"'Cause ye couldn't wink if ye wos asleep, an' I heerd ye breathe diff'rent from afore, so I know'd ye wos awake; an' I knows that a man always winks w'en he comes awake, d'ye see? That's wot I calls the feelosophy of obsarvation." "Very good," replied Marston, "and, that bein' the case, I should like much to try a little of the `feelosophy' of supper."

The' was a hull flower garden in the middle, an' a worked tablecloth; four five glasses of all colors an' sizes at ev'ry plate, an' a nosegay, an' five six diff'rent forks an' a lot o' knives, though fer that matter," remarked the speaker, "the' wa'n't but one knife in the lot that amounted to anythin', the rest on 'em wouldn't hold nothin'; an' the' was three four sort of chiney slates with what they call the you 'n me "