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But it's the wrong side with you, Martin!" "Well, John, now, by virtue of your oath, as you chaps say, wouldn't you marry a woman twice her age, av' she'd half the money? Begad you would, and leap at it!" "Perhaps I would. I'd a deal sooner have a woman eighty than forty. There'd be some chance then of having the money after the throuble was over! Anty's neither ould enough nor young enough."

"Which of you winged the gentleman the other day for not passing the decanter, or something of that sort?" "If you mean the affair with Mr. Bodkin, it was I." "Glorious, that; begad, I thought you were one of us. I say, Power, it was he pinked Bodkin." "Ah, indeed," said Power, not turning his head from his game, "a pretty shot, I heard, two by honors, and hit him fairly, the odd trick.

These limbs have yet the pith to climb and this heart the daring to venture to the airiest crag of Monte d'Oro, and I have ravished from his eyrie a true Corsican eagle to be the omen of our expedition. Wherever this eagle is your uncle's legions will gather together." "'Tis well; and the gold?" "TRUST MONTE CRISTO!" says the bearded man; and then, David, begad! I knew I had them! "We meet?"

"No, thin," replied Mogue, brightening up with excessive vanity, "may I be happy if I do!" "Why, our fair friend, Letty Lenehan begad, Mogue, she's a purty girl that says she to herself," proceeded the pedlar; "for I don't think she knew or thought I heard her 'If I thought he would like these rib-bons, I'd buy them for myself. 'Who do you mane, acushla? says I, whisperin' to her.

'Odd numbers fall out to dress; even numbers pathrol the town till relieved by the dressing party. Let me tell you, pathrollin' a town wid nothing on is an expayrience. I pathrolled for tin minutes, an' begad, before 'twas over, I blushed. The women laughed so. I niver blushed before or since; but I blushed all over my carkiss thin. Orth'ris didn't pathrol.

"Aye, Tom, I know it is, and begad, I'm lusting for a mouthful that's why I bid you take it away drink coffee instead, confound it! So hence with it, Thomas away!" Very round of eye, the landlord took up the bottle and wandered off with it like one in a dream.

"His guns were going over that pass even if he had to carry them himself, you may bet your boots on that! and begad, I'll set the gunners to cut a road; and d'ye think now the snow would bear the mules at night when it was frozen at all?" We got back to the huts we had left in the morning by 8.30 P.M., and there was a general demand for something hot.

"George!" exclaimed my aunt suddenly. "In heaven's name, cease rattling your spurs as if you were in your native stables." "Certainly, m'dear Julia!" he mumbled, and stood motionless and abashed. "'Pon me life, Julia," sighed my uncle Jervas, "I swear the years but lend you new graces; time makes you but the handsomer " "Begad, but that's the very naked truth, Julia!" cried uncle George.

She looked startled, jerked his foot warningly, and murmured, "Did I?" As soon as Elizabeth was gone to her own room Henchard resumed. "Begad, I nearly forgot myself just now! What I meant was that the girl's hair certainly looked as if it would be darker, when she was a baby." "It did; but they alter so," replied Susan. "Their hair gets darker, I know but I wasn't aware it lightened ever?"

"Well," proceeded the Buck, "what doubt or hesiteetion can there be that the seem power and authority that riz our own church won't be keepable of puttin' down the great protesting heresy?" "See that now," from the crowd; "begad it stands to raison sure enough." "Certainly," he proceeded, "none what-somever; but then the question is, how can it be effectualized?" The crowd "Begad, and so it is."