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We'll dine in the restaurant here 7.30, and Julien shall come up to your room so that you can order the dinner. Is it a go?" "Rather," laughed Desmond, "I'll eat your dinner, Maurice, and you shall tell me how you managed to break out of the casualty list into the Nineveh Hotel. But what do all these anxious-looking gentry want?"

At the ferry-room, this morning, was a small, thin, anxious-looking woman, with a bundle, seeming in rather poor circumstances, but decently dressed, and eying other women, I thought, with an expression of slight ill-will and distrust; also, an elderly, stout, gray-haired woman, of respectable aspect, and two young lady-like persons, quite pretty, one of whom was reading a shilling volume of James's "Arabella Stuart."

To whom should she mention me if I am a forbidden topic in the house? She thinks you are all spies for her husband. Oh, I've no doubt she's in hell among you! I guess by her silence, as much as anything, what she feels. You say she is often restless, and anxious-looking: is that a proof of tranquillity? You talk of her mind being unsettled.

Surtaine as a shabby, anxious-looking man ambled forward. "We're having trouble with that last lot of cascara, sir," said he lugubriously. "In the Number Four?" "Yes, sir. It don't seem to have any strength." "Substitute senna." So offhand was the tone that it sounded like a suggestion rather than an order. As the latter, however, the chemist contentedly took it.

And the others also had done well, all except "Mademoiselle D.," the girl at the far end; she had not made a single sale. A slight little thing, pale and somewhat anxious-looking; no wonder that customers had passed her by. Then she looked up, and we both caught our breath. What eyes! Eyes of the purest, serenest gray gray of that rare quality that holds no tint of either green or blue.

"Gracious, Elfie, don't play so loud!" exclaimed Laura, who reëntered. "What's the matter?" Her visitor stopped playing. Smiling, she explained: "I shoved over that thing marked 'swell. I sure will have to speak to Jerry about this. I'm stuck on this 'swell' thing. Hurry up!" Noticing Laura's white, anxious-looking face, she exclaimed sympathetically: "Gee! you look pale!

"Shut your mouth!" "Don't you show me no more of your imperence!" Everyone was getting very angry. The dark gipsy faces were frowning and anxious-looking. Suddenly a change swept over them, as if some invisible sponge had wiped away these cross and anxious expressions, and left only a blank. The children saw that the sun really had set. But they were afraid to move.

'Well, I only hope you won't have too much of me. May I stay to tea to-day? 'Certainly, said grandmamma. But I noticed I don't think Gerard did that her face had grown rather anxious-looking as he spoke. 'If you like, she went on, 'we can glance over your books, some of them are still here, and settle on a little work at once. 'All right, said he.

"What's the matter?" she asked, startled, clutching the baby tighter to her, and conning over with quick alarm the tow-heads that bobbed and surged about her waist. "The children are all right aren't they?" Milo looked up apprehensively. He was an old-faced, anxious-looking, little fellow, already beginning to have a stoop to his thin shoulders the bend of the burden bearer.

Dora turned to take her gloves, which she had laid on a side table, and as she did so the other door opened, the principal door leading to the hall. Moreover, it was opened without the menial pause, and they all turned in surprise, knowing that there were only servants in the house. In the doorway stood Jem, brown-faced, lean, and anxious-looking.