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I've knowed all your debts, 'spesh'ly that ye owe that sneakin' hound Parker; and thar isn't a time that I couldn't and wouldn't hev chipped in and paid 'em for ye for your father's sake ef I'd allowed it to be the square thing for ye. But I know ye, Jeff. I know what's in your BLOOD. I knew your father allus dreamin', hopin, waitin'; I know YOU, Jeff, dreamin', hopin', waitin' till the end.

"'Leny not invited!" said Mrs. Nichols, espousing the cause of her granddaughter. "What's to pay, I wonder? Miss Fontaine and the gineral, too, allus appeared to think a sight on her." "I presume the general does now," answered Mrs. Livingstone, "but it's natural that Mrs. Fontaine should feel particular about the reputation of her daughter's associates."

"Sleeping, I'll be bound, to judge by them spectacles around your eyes. There's no git-up about young folk now-a-days," she went on, turning to Sarah. "Six hours' sleep for healthy-minded women, I says; not an hour more nor an hour less. Sister Emma was allus one o' them for her sy-esta." Then she turned back to Prudence. "Maybe she learned you, my girl."

We'd allus had some one to look after us and take care of us, but now there wasn't anybody." "Were you married, Juba?" "Yes, but I don't know whether my ole man is livin' or not. He was sold down in Georgie, to a cousin of ole massa." "Then he may be living yet?" "Yes, honey." "How old are you, Juba?" asked Frank. "I don't know, chile. I's powerful old. Specs I's a hundred." Ernest smiled.

The labourin' man ee's glad enough to get a hare or a rabbit for 'is eatin' but there's more in it nor that, miss. Ee's allus in the fields, that's where it is ee can't help seein' the hares and the rabbits a-comin' in and out o' the woods, if it were iver so.

But 'e was a game old chap shouldn't wonder but what he'd stuck it out." "Let's go and see him some day," said Dickie. "I dunno," said Beale; "you see, I was allus a great hanxiety to 'im. And besides, I shouldn't like to find 'im gone. Best not know nothing. That's what I say." But he sighed as he said it, and he filled his pipe in a thoughtful silence. THAT night Dickie could not sleep.

Con Murphy said, he looked less like "a blushin' grane onion" than he had immediately after the concoction the drugstore clerk had sold him took effect. "And 'tis hopin' 'twill be a lesson ye'll allus remimber," pursued the old cobbler. "Niver thrust too much to whativer comes in a bottle! Remimber 'tis not the label ye air to use.

That's what makes it so cussed mean. For there's allus a woman at the bottom of such things bet your life! Think of 'em comin' here. Thar ought to be a law agin it." "But what was it?" persisted Bray, becoming more apprehensive.

"Is it the sea sarpint ye're maning?" "Will hany gentleman lend me 'is hopera-glass?" "I'm blessed if I don't think we're going to go half speed. I sailed seven years in the Amiable with old Savage, and I'm blessed if he ever put her a point out of her course for anything. 'Every boat for herself, and the sea for us all, he used to say, and allus kept his eyes forwards in foul weather."

'Texts from the Bible? I said, staggering under a new thought that seemed to strike through me like a bar of hot metal. 'Can you remember any one of them? 'It was allus the same tex', an' I ought to remember it well enough, for I've 'eerd it times enough. She wur like you for poll-parritin' ways, and used to say the same thing over an' over ag'in.