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She held her weak gripe on his hand still, with the vague outlook in her eyes that came there sometimes. "Was it fur me yoh done it?" "Yes, for you." She turned her eyes slowly around, bewildered. The clear evening light fell on Holmes, as he stood there looking down at the dying little lamiter: a powerful figure, with a face supreme, masterful, but tender: you will find no higher type of manhood.

You'd say door, an' hour, when ev'body knowed it was doah, an' houah, but I don't hold it ag'in you fo' not knowin' how to pronounce them wo'ds. Yoh name is Ahthuh Winchestuh." "As right as right can be," said Colonel Winchester, reaching over and giving him a hearty hand. "I'm a colonel in the Union army now, and these are my officers and men. What was it you wanted to tell us?"

'Ah believe the blind pursuit and worship of riches is almost entirely responsible. It has bred a shallowness and superficiality in and towahds the finah things of life. But the historian will answer yoh question at a later day. He can bring a calmness to the task which is impossible to one surrounded and bewildered by it all.

Bimeby he marree som' girl, then what for you? He don' maree yoh, eh? He don' lov' yoh; he think too good for maree Indian girl. Me, I not think like that. I, Ramon Chavez, I think proud to lov, yoh. Ramon " "I not think Wagalexa Conka marry me." The girl was turning stubborn under his importunities. "Wagalexa Conka my brother my friend. I tell you plenty time. Now I tell no more."

Am I correct, suh? "'That's it, I says. ''N' you can gamble I'm right. "'Is the practise allowed under present day racing rules? says ole man Sanford, 'n' I think I've got him goin'. "'Why, sure not, I says. 'But how long would a guy last if he never broke a racin' rule? "'Out of yoh own mouth is yoh augument condemned, suh, says ole man Sanford.

"My cousin Polston. If you do not know him, you'll excuse me?" Cox sniffed the air down the street, and twirled his rattan, as he went. The coal-digger was abrupt and distant in his greeting, going straight to business. "I will keep yoh only a minute, Mr. Holmes" "Stephen," corrected Holmes. The old man's face warmed.

A moment after the old man came into the room, carrying her, and, laying her down on the settee, chafed her hands and misshapen head. "What ails her?" he said, looking up, bewildered, to Holmes. "We've killed her among us." She laughed, though the great eyes were growing dim, and drew his coarse gray hair into her hand. "Yoh wur long comin'," she said, weakly.

"Stephen, then," holding out his hand, "sence old times dawn't shame yoh, Stephen. That's hearty, now. It's only a wured I want, but it's immediate. Concernin' Joe Yare, Lois's father, yoh know? He's back." "Back? I saw him to-day, following me in the mill. His hair is gray? I think it was he." "No doubt. Yes, he's aged fast, down in the lock-up; goin' fast to the end. Feeble, pore-like.

He turned about for his purchaser's thorough inspection, his bald head above the fringe of white wool about it glistening in the lamplight. "Do yoh think I'se wuth, say, twenty-five dollahs?" he queried, regarding her fixedly over his spectacles. The girl touched her throat with an unconscious gesture. "Yes, you are," she cried impulsively; "you are indeed!"

"I'se brought yoh a Christmas surprise, Massa Job Fairfax," said Uncle Noah, and he sprinkled the floor of the hut thick with corn that the turkey might find it in the morning. With his heart full of thanksgiving the negro plodded homeward through the snow.