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It's mighty good sense to press yoh luck as fur's it'll go, honey, but a oudacious sin to set right out to bust it. An' 'member what ole Zack say 'bout dat, 'caze it mought do you a heap of good some day!" Zack's saddle was finally tied on with a piece of clothesline and, putting his foot in a rope stirrup, he mounted. "Now I'se gwine arter dat nickel," he declared.

I ain't yoh aunt, and I ain't yoh uncle; I'se yoh ekal! Now wouldn't that jar you? That's the way the niggers feel about it in Washington." "Forget it, Manysnifters," urged Senator Bull, "forget it. Give the colored brother a show. He will work out his own salvation." "At the end of a rope," growled the Colonel. "Be charitable, sir, be charitable," said Senator Pennypacker ponderously.

I'm glad things is takin' a good turn with yoh; an' yoh'll never be like him, starvin' fur th' kind wured, an' havin' to die without it. I'm glad yoh've got true love. She'd a fair face, I think. I wish yoh well, Stephen." Holmes shook the grimy hand, and then stood a moment looking back to the mill, from which the hands were just coming, and then down at the phaëton moving idly down the road.

I think I shall have some cornbread and coffee, and so will Mrs. Fairfax." "I doan think you quite understand me, sah," averred Uncle Noah, "an' sah, I 'spects yoh dyspepsia ain't so bad dis mornin'. We has foh breakfast, sah, grapefruit, cereal wif cream, quail on toast, fried oysters er oatmeal, fried chicken, hot muffins, co'nbread an' coffee!" There was no mistaking the emphasis this time.

"Go home," the girl repeated, now in a weaker voice. "It ain't time to go home," he growled. "When kids don't know their lessons you make 'em stay in, don't you? Well, I'm a-stayin', too!" "Let me by this instant," she commanded, plucking another crumb of courage from the sheer imminence of danger. "Aw, come off yoh high airs," he leered.

"I'se jus' come to tell yoh, sah," said Uncle Noah with a meaning glance at Mrs. Fairfax, "dat I has de turkey all ready foh de oven." A faint red crept through the Colonel's skin, but he met the darky's eyes squarely. "Thank you, Uncle Noah!" he said, and the negro shuffled hurriedly away.

"A hard one, people say," said Holmes, after a pause, as they walked on. He had spoken half to himself, and received no answer. Some blacker shadow troubled him than old Yare's fate. "My mother was a hard woman, you knew her?" he said, abruptly. "She was just, like yoh. She was one o' th' elect, she said. Mercy's fur them, an' outside, justice. It's a narrer showin', I'm thinkin'."

"I hunted fur yoh every day, every day." The old man had pushed her hair back, and was reading the sunken face with a wild fear. "What ails her?" he cried. "Ther' 's somethin' gone wi' my girl. Was it my fault? Lo, was it my fault?" "Be quiet!" said Holmes, sternly. "Is it THAT?" he gasped, shrilly. "My God! not that! I can't bear it!" Lois soothed him, patting his face childishly.

"Whoever breaks law abides by it. It is no affair of mine." The old man clutched his hands together fiercely, struggling to be quiet. "Ther's none knows it but yoh," he said, in a smothered voice. "Fur God's sake be merciful! It'll kill my girl, it'll kill her. Gev me a chance, master." "You trouble me. I must do what is just." "It's not just," he said, savagely.

All sort of folk get alongside of Molly Swash; and what good it do 'em? Yoh! yoh! yoh! I do remem'er sich times vid'e ole hussy!" "What old hussy do you mean?" demanded Jack Tier a little fiercely, and in a way to draw Mulford's eyes from the profile of Rose's face to the visages of his two attendants.