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Finally he said: "'Tain't no use to cuss; that won't build yoh cabin. Jest go like you don't know nuthin' 'bout it, an' say you've come for that hund'ed for me. An' if he says he ain't goin' to send it, jest say all right, that you'll go right on over to Arden an' ax the Cunnel an' his folks if they don't think it's fair an' squar. Jest say that!

But in the shadow hate blazed unseen from her eyes. She did not speak, and so he went back to his first charge. "All this don't tell me moch," he complained. "Yoh lov' him, maybe? That's what I ask." "Wagalexa Conka my brother, my father, my friend," she replied calmly, and let him interpret it as he would. "He treats yoh like a dog. He crazee 'bout that Jean.

Ah ain't no sea-lawyer; man and boy Ah've gone to sea twenty year, and Ah ain't nebber made no trouble in no ship, no suh. But, oh mah Lawd, yoh knows what all's happened to me in dis ship! Dey won't let me be a man. 'Yoh niggah, yoh black beast! Dat's what dey calls me, and dat's what dey makes me! Ah wants peace, yoh wants peace but does dey want peace? No, suh! Yoh say de ship peaceful now?

Yoh try aroun' other door, mebbe fin' her." In the old days the kitchen entrance had been the one most used, but Buck remembered that there was another at the opposite end of the building which opened directly into the ranch living-room. He sought it now, observing with preoccupied surprise that a small covered veranda had been built out from the house, found it ajar like the other, and knocked.

He did not attempt to touch her, and so, reassured, she stood close so that he could see the pure, Indian profile of her face when she raised it to the sky in a mute invocation, it might be, of her gods. "When yoh come?" he asked swiftly, his race betrayed in tone and accent. "I look and look I no see yoh." "I come," she stated with a quiet meaning. "I not like cow, for make plenty noise.

I was in de shadder and dey didn' see me, but I heah 'im say, kind o' soft like, 'Remember, my deah lady, dis is a biz'ness contract; I does my part, an' I 'spects my pay. An' she says, 'Oh, yes, yoh shall hab yohr money widout fail. An' I says to myse'f, 'Mose, yoh ole fool, what you stan'in' heah foh? Dat ain't nuffin dat consarns yoh nohow, an' I goes home, an' dat's all I know, sah.

This is the day of imitation I find it between the covahs of yoh books I hear it in the music yoh applaud I see it riding by in motah-cars. Imitation all imitation! "I ain't hep to this line of chatter it's by me. But I dopes it out he's sore at automobiles, "'What's wrong with 'em? I says to him. "'Ah don't feel qualified to answer yoh question, suh, he says.

The sullen, stealthy face disgusted Holmes. He nodded, shortly. "Yoh've been kind to my little girl while I was gone," he said, catching his breath. "I thank yoh, master." "You need not. It was for Lois." "'Twas fur her I comed back hyur. 'Twas a resk," with a dumb look of entreaty at Holmes, "but fur her I thort I'd try it. I know 'twas a resk; but I thort them as cared fur Lo wud be merciful.

The Egret and her light had disappeared round a bend and the negro was pointing at the empty moonlit river. Hoots of laughter greeted him. "Guess you got 'em, Sam. No other boat round here." "Ma Dieu! Ah seen him. Yoh gen'men sho' they wasn't no boat?" "You're raving. No boat at all." "Oh Oh !" "Shut up!" cried White. "Shut up!" A moment's silence.

"'I gathah from yoh convahsation, says he, 'that it is yoh practise to supplement the fine courage that God has given the thoroughbred with vile stimulants. Am I correct in this supposition, suh? "'Why, yes I says, kind-a took back. 'When they need it I sure gives it to 'em. "Ole man Sanford draws hisself up 'n' looks at me like I'm a toad.