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Updated: August 25, 2024

With his eyes fastened on the two men eating, he counted out some gold pieces on the bar and shoved them over to me, keeping them under cover of his hand. "Thar's half o' it, an' the rest is yers when ye bring back the hosses." "How many hosses? Who's a goin'?" "Three o' yer. Kirby's fer sendin' the mulatter gurl 'long. She's a free nigger an' might let her tongue wag.

The Captaine being a friend vnto the English men, by reason that one of them which had bene there before, had giuen him certaine presents, would not be perswaded to trouble them, but shipped them with all their wares in a shippe that was to saile for Goa, and sent them to the Viceroy, that he might examine and trie them, as he thought good: where when they were arriued, they were cast into prison, and first examined whether they were good Christians or no: and because they could speake but badde Portugall, onely two of them spake good Dutch, as hauing bene certaine yeres in the Low countreyes, and there traffiked, there was a Dutch Iesuite born in the towne of Bruges in Flanders, that had bene resident in the Indies for the space of thirty yers, sent vnto them, to vndermine and examine them: wherein they behaued themselues so well, that they were holden and esteemed for good Catholicke Christians: yet still suspected, because they were strangers, and specially English men.

Her words broke the spell. The vulgar accent gave him a shudder. "Don't you hear a bell ringing?" he said with dual significance. "Nosir," said Mary Ann, ingenuously. "I'd yer it in a moment if there was. I yer it in my dreams, I'm so used to it. One night I dreamt the missus was boxin' my yers and askin' me if I was deaf and I said to 'er "

"I don't want to stay without Flukey!" she cried. "I ain't a tellin' ye what ye want to do; only how the shadders run. But that's a weary day off. The good land be yers and Flukey's for the seekin' of it." "Air Flukey goin' to be catched a thievin'?" "Yep, some day." "With Pappy Lon?" "Nope, with yerself, Flea." "I ain't no thief," replied Flea sulkily.

'Theyer, Enoch, thaa sees what thi tootling on th' owd flute's done for thee, said the old woman, in her surprise and chagrin. 'Thaa cornd be too careful haa thaa talks. Thaa sees trees hes yers as weel as stoan walls. 'Ne'er mind, Mr. Penrose; I were nobbud hevin' her on a bit.

Her words broke the spell. The vulgar accent gave him a shudder. "Don't you hear a bell ringing?" he said, with dual significance. "Nosir," said Mary Ann ingenuously. "I'd yer it in a moment if there was. I yer it in my dreams, I'm so used to it. One night I dreamt the missus was boxin' my yers and askin' me if I was deaf and I said to 'er "

Peleg Growdy found himself strangely thrilled as he looked into that frank, smiling face of Paul Morrison. For almost a full minute they stood thus. Then Peleg spoke. "Reckon as how them comrades o' yers must 'a' gut a long start by now, Paul. S'pose ye see if ye kin ketch up with 'em, son."

And you ain't fishing deep enough." "Ain't I!" "No. Not by three foot." "I wish I'd got some gentles," said Dexter at last. "Do you!" "Yes." "Shall I shy some over in the box?" "Can you throw so far?" "Yers!" cried the shabby boy. "You'll give me the box again, won't you?" "Yes; I'll throw it back." The boy on the other side divided his bait by putting some in a piece of paper.

The 'authorities had been assured that the troops were necessary for the protection of their city, but the magistrates had learned, but too recently, the nature of the protection which Van Ende, with his mercenaries, would afford. A detachment of states troops under De Yers, Champagny's nephew, encountered the regiment of Van Ende, and put it to flight with considerable loss.

From Caroline Jackson to Mrs. Brown. Dear Miss Milly: I takes my pen in hand tow enform you that most of us is enjawen pore health and hopes it finds you the same. This letter is writ for Aunt Mary Morton although the paper and awnvelop is mine, the same what Miss Molly sent me for Christmus come two yers next time.

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